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0.5.3 by Lech Madeyski, a year ago
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Authors: Lech Madeyski [cre, aut, ctb] (The main contributor and maintainer) , Barbara Kitchenham [ctb] (Data and code contributor) , Tomasz Lewowski [ctb] (Data and code contributor) , Marian Jureczko [ctb] (Data contributor) , David Budgen [ctb] (Data contributor) , Pearl Brereton [ctb] (Data contributor) , Jacky Keung [ctb] (Data contributor) , Stuart Charters [ctb] (Data contributor) , Shirley Gibbs [ctb] (Data contributor) , Amnart Pohthong [ctb] (Data contributor) , Giuseppe Scanniello [ctb] (Data contributor) , Carmine Gravino [ctb] (Data contributor)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports dplyr, GetoptLong, ggplot2, gridExtra, httr, jsonlite, lme4, MASS, metafor, nortest, openxlsx, readr, reshape, stats, stringr, tibble, tidyr, xtable
Suggests assertthat, testthat
See at CRAN