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2.0.1 by Sebastian Gatscha, 5 months ago,
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Authors: Sebastian Gatscha [aut, cre] , Bhaskar Karambelkar [aut] , Barret Schloerke [aut] , Bangyou Zheng [ctb] (Leaflet-search and Leaflet-GPS plugin integration) , Robin Cura [ctb] (Fixes for Draw Options) , Markus Voge [ctb] (Enhancements for Draw Options) , Markus Dumke [ctb] (Bounce Marker addition) , Mapbox [ctb, cph] (leaflet-omnivore , csv2geojson , and togeojson libraries) , Henry Thasler [ctb, cph] (Leaflet.Geodesic library) , Dennis Wilhelm [ctb, cph] (Leaflet.StyleEditor library) , Kirollos Risk [ctb, cph] (fuse.js library) , Tim Wisniewski [ctb, cph] (leaflet-choropleth library) , Leaflet [ctb, cph] (leaflet-draw library) , Alexander Milevski [ctb, cph] (leaflet-draw-drag library) , John Firebaugh [ctb, cph] (leaflet-fullscreen library) , Stefano Cudini [ctb, cph] (leaflet-gps library) , Johannes Rudolph [ctb, cph] (leaflet-hash library) , Per Liedman [ctb, cph] (leaflet-measure-path library) , Pavel Shramov [ctb, cph] (leaflet-plugins library) , Filip Zavadil [ctb, cph] (leaflet-pulse-icon library) , Stefano Cudini [ctb, cph] (leaflet-search library) , CliffCloud [ctb, cph] (leaflet-sleep library) , Ursudio [ctb, cph] (leaflet-webgl-heatmap library) , Maxime Hadjinlian [ctb, cph] (leaflet.BounceMarker library) , Vladimir Agafonkin [ctb, cph] (leaflet.heat library) , Iván Sánchez Ortega [ctb, cph] (leaflet.tilelayer.pouchdbcached library) , Dale Harvey [ctb, cph] (pouchdb-browser library) , Mike Bostock [ctb, cph] (topojson library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 | file LICENSE license
Imports htmlwidgets, htmltools, stringr, magrittr
Depends on leaflet
Suggests jsonlite, readr, sf, xfun, testthat
Imported by DBTCShiny, GPSeqClus, GTFSwizard, IceSat2R, MDMAPR, Poly4AT, UnalR, bcdata, gwavr, leafletZH, mapedit, naturaList, oceanis, pannotator, wallace.
Depended on by leaflet.esri.
Suggested by HYPEtools, berryFunctions, hydflood, lcars, pdxTrees, rfars, rtrek, shinyscholar, starsTileServer.
See at CRAN