10th Anniversary
What is PySWMM?
Supercharge your modeling career - You can become the most efficient modeler in your team by using these tools!
A continually growing open-source tool to enable "Pythonic" access to the SWMM data model
Functionality allows researchers and engineers to streamline stormwater model optimization, controls, and result post-processing in order to be more effective
Allows editing of network and hydrologic parameters without manipulating the *.inp file
Provides a single framework which encompasses a collection of low-level interfacing functions to the SWMM data model
Facilitates rapid prototyping, and it also enables users to interact with a running SWMM simulation
What was done Right!
This project DIFFERS from nearly all SWMM-centric Open Source projects:
Created by an incredibly Diverse team of people!
Automate your workflows!
Owned by the community of contributors (who coincidentally have incredible taste in coffee ☕️ )
Continuously maintained for years and will continue to be maintained!
University research lab and Corporate agnostic
Permissive OSI-Approved License - BSD-2-Clause
Project is free from the rises and falls of Grant Award cycles
Conforms to standard Pythonic "feels"
McDonnell, B., Ratliff, K., Tryby, M., Wu, J. X., & Mullapudi, A. (2020). PySWMM: The Python Interface to Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) (Version 1.0.1) [Computer software]. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.02292