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Pascal Canfin

Pascal Canfin is a French MEP for the Liste Renaissance, part of the Renew Europe group. Canfin was elected to the European Parliament in 2009 and May 2019 and has been appointed chair of the committee on the environment, public health and food safety (ENVI). Prior to that position, Canfin was director general of WWF France from 2016 to 2019 where he contributed to the safeguard of ecosystems and their species, the fight against global warming and advocated for a more respectful energy transition. From 2014 to 2015, he was senior advisor for climate at the World Resources Institute (WRI) and co-chaired the Commission for Innovative Financing for Climate. In 2012, Canfin was appointed by French President Hollande minister delegate for development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after having served as MEP from 2009 to 2012. Canfin is graduated in political science from the Bordeaux Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) and from the Newcastle University.

France and the EU both want green economies — but are clashing over how

Paris is setting stricter rules than the EU on waste and recycling, which some fear could undermine the bloc’s efforts.

April 8, 2024 2:31 pm CET

Inside the European Commission’s last-minute push to stall its own sustainable packaging law

EU executive’s trade department is trying to turn countries against a hard-won deal on sustainable packaging.

March 14, 2024 11:36 am CET

EU to ban single-use plastic in deal on new green packaging rules

Negotiators struck a deal that’s far less ambitious than initially proposed.

March 4, 2024 10:14 pm CET

Ghosts of EU’s rightward future haunt nature law fight 

Europe’s conservatives lost their battle against an environmental bill. But after the EU elections, they may win the war. 

February 27, 2024 7:19 pm CET

EU bends own pesticide rules, secret legal opinion finds

Documents obtained by POLITICO show that regulators in the EU are playing fast and loose with legislation meant to protect people from toxic chemical pesticides.

January 24, 2024 6:00 am CET

Farmer discontent spooks Macron as he weighs EU election pick

French president could back a pro-farmer lead candidate for his party in the next European election to head off wider protests.

January 18, 2024 9:07 pm CET

How the political right took down Europe’s green agenda

Europe’s conservatives went on the offensive to wreck the Green Deal — and their strategy paid off.

December 1, 2023 11:34 am CET

EU nature law fight ends in pyrrhic victory for Green Deal defenders

The final text includes major concessions to conservative lawmakers, weakening key parts of the legislation.

November 10, 2023 2:27 pm CET

Reuse or recycle? Inside Europe’s takeaway tug-of-war

Brussels’ proposal to make packaging more sustainable has sparked a fierce lobbying fight.

October 23, 2023 8:12 pm CET

Carbon trading for farmers is back on the table

EU policymakers are coming back to the idea of a cap-and-trade system for the farm sector, where curbing emissions has lagged behind.

October 12, 2023 3:41 pm CET

EU’s new climate leadership duo gets nod from MEPs

Maroš Šefčovič and Wopke Hoekstra get committee approval, setting scene for formal confirmation vote on Thursday.

October 4, 2023 10:28 am CET

Europe’s conservative lawmakers are at it again — this time on air pollution

Center-right lawmakers are pushing to significantly water down proposed European guidelines on cleaner air.

September 12, 2023 1:52 pm CET

5 green problems created by Timmermans quitting the EU Commission

Frans Timmermans dives back into Dutch politics at a crucial time for climate action.

August 21, 2023 6:26 pm CET

Frans Timmermans bids to return to Dutch politics

The departure of the Green Deal chief would deprive the Commission of a political heavyweight on climate policy.

July 20, 2023 11:51 am CET

Political backing for EU Green Deal fizzles despite heat wave

As the center right changes tack on climate, the bloc’s climate coalition is crumbling.

July 18, 2023 7:07 pm CET

4 things to watch in EU nature law talks

Conservative lawmakers say they’ll keep a close eye on the negotiations to ensure their views prevail in the final text.

July 18, 2023 12:00 pm CET

Negotiations on EU nature law to start July 19

Spanish presidency wants to conclude talks on the file before the end of the year.

July 13, 2023 12:27 pm CET

EU conservatives’ anti-Green Deal push falls short

Manfred Weber’s right-wing alliance still wants to block other climate and environmental laws.

July 12, 2023 8:52 pm CET

MEPs sling mud ahead of knife-edge nature restoration vote

Supporters and opponents of the biodiversity bill made their final arguments ahead of Wednesday’s tight vote.

July 11, 2023 3:04 pm CET

Who’s who in the EU’s fight over nature restoration

The controversial bill faces its make-or-break moment after months of fierce lobbying and politicking.

July 11, 2023 6:00 am CET

Kingmaker liberals pitch compromise deal on EU nature law

The controversial bill faces a crucial vote in plenary next week.

July 6, 2023 12:51 pm CET

Pressure grows on von der Leyen to defy her party and defend EU Green Deal

Conservatives are one step closer to killing nature law — but risk internal split.

June 27, 2023 6:23 pm CET

EU conservatives fail to kill nature restoration bill — for now

A push to reject the new legislation fell short in a key Parliament vote, but EPP lawmakers say they’ll keep fighting against it.

June 15, 2023 6:33 pm CET

Key EU nature restoration vote put on hold

Parliament’s ENVI committee will finish voting on contentious new rules later this month.

June 15, 2023 12:55 pm CET