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Dats a nice coffee!
SGD 4.50
/ month (plus GST)Those seeking to give a bit extra toward my little tip jar!
you are all verified badasses who i appreciate and hope to see often!
you are all verified badasses who i appreciate and hope to see often!
- Patron-only content feed
- access to the discord channel
- Discord access and badge - patreon badass
- NSFW pictures
- thank you credit in youtube render videos
- Discord access
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Dropping that bling blings!
/ month (plus GST)Thank you to those seeking to give a bit more and being a bit more of a badass!
- Patron-only content feed
- access to the discord channel
- Discord access and badge - patreon badass
- NSFW pictures
- preview animations
- access to free models when they go up.
- credit in youtube video render videos
love and appreciation for sfw work.
- Discord access
Holy moo moo!
SGD 14
/ month (plus GST)Thank you so much for choosing to even donate a dollar, or heck even just following, this means a whole lot to me no matter how little or how big, the idea that you choose me to support is just heart warming on its own and makes me tear up.
with this tier you get everything above!
i am trying to figure out what else i could give, suggestions are welcome.
but thank you regardless for pledging any tier.
- Discord access
blue shell thrower
SGD 69
/ month (plus GST)Okay you just bonkers!
thank you for supporting my work, same as the rest of the tiers but like before you has more lettuce to share!
nsfw pictures discord roles crediting in youtube videos as a supporter of my work. high praise and thank you. free models that come out on here.
thank you for supporting my work, same as the rest of the tiers but like before you has more lettuce to share!
- nsfw videos
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Lizzy Koopa
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