Measurement & Psychometrics

Finely tuned assessment instruments require close technical monitoring and precise calibration. Our measurement and psychometrics teams work tirelessly to deliver valid and reliable assessments, stable measurement scales, and precise results. Our experts drive innovation, exploring new ways to more authentically measure learning and empower educators to better meet the needs of every student.

Supporting school and district assessments

Our school and district psychometric solutions team maintains the reliability and validity of MAP® Suite, one of the most trusted assessments in K–12. In addition to analyzing questions, tests, and measurement scales, this team provides valuable contextual information for assessment results, including comparability studies to other assessment tools and unmatched normative data.

Supporting school and district assessments

Our school and district psychometric solutions team maintains the reliability and validity of MAP® Suite, one of the most trusted assessments in K–12. In addition to analyzing questions, tests, and measurement scales, this team provides valuable contextual information for assessment results, including comparability studies to other assessment tools and unmatched normative data.

Evolving state assessments

Our state psychometric and learning science team works to support high-impact changes to state tests, pursuing the promise of high-quality accountability assessment that also delivers meaningful instructional utility to teachers, students, and families.

Evolving state assessments

Our state psychometric and learning science team works to support high-impact changes to state tests, pursuing the promise of high-quality accountability assessment that also delivers meaningful instructional utility to teachers, students, and families.

Meet the experts

Patrick Meyer

Vice President of Psychometrics and Analytics

Ann Hu

Director of Psychometrics and Analytics

Xueming (Sylvia) Li

Lead Psychometrician

Data Visualizations

View interactive tools that bring complex education issues to life. Explore patterns in growth, achievement, poverty, college readiness, and more.

Research Partnerships

Our collaborations with university researchers, school systems, address diverse education research topics.

Upcoming Research Presentations

Connect with us and learn about our newest research at these conferences and events.

Media Contact

Simona Beattie
Communications Director



Publications by the Measurement & Psychometrics team