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32 packages found
Analyze the exported API for a TypeScript library and generate reviews, documentation, and .d.ts rollups
Parse Electron documentation into a machine readable JSON file
Webpack plugin which wraps
- webpack
- typescript
- plugin
- .d.ts
- declarations
- typings
- dts-bundle
- bundle-declarations-webpack-plugin
- combine declarations
Vite plugin to update your ESM and CJS specifiers.
```js const { RspackDtsPlugin } = require('rspack-dts-plugin');
- .d.ts
- @types
- declaration
- sed
- develop
- development
- environment
- velit
- interface
- node
- playground
- delectus
- corporis
- perferendis
- View more
Type definitions for `@sogouda/app-bindings`
This plugin merges declaration asset files from common microfrontend modules specified in the exposes object for the ModuleFederation plugin and created using the generated Webpack ts-loader into one declaration file. In addition, the plugin allows you to
- module federation
- module federation types
- microfrontends
- microfrontends types
- webpack
- type declaration
- .d.ts
- webpack types bundler
- types
Analyze the exported API for a TypeScript library and generate reviews, documentation, and .d.ts rollups
Analyze the exported API for a TypeScript library and generate reviews, documentation, and .d.ts rollups
A Typescript type definition for NPM package json
- .d.ts
- @types
- declaration
- definition
- dev
- develop
- development
- dts
- environment
- ide
- interface
- json
- node
- package
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Analyze the exported API for a TypeScript library and generate reviews, documentation, and .d.ts rollups
add some typescript type and re-export some build-in typescript type
- .d.ts
- @types
- declaration
- dev
- develop
- development
- environment
- ide
- interface
- node
- playground
- runtime
- ts
- type
- View more
Analyze the exported API for a TypeScript library and generate reviews, documentation, and .d.ts rollups
Generate d.ts files from svelte files
use asserts for make type predicates work
- .d.ts
- @types
- declaration
- dev
- develop
- development
- environment
- ide
- interface
- node
- playground
- runtime
- ts
- type
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Convert some JavaScript/TypeScript code string into a .d.ts TypeScript Declaration code string
a tool for extract .d.ts from your typescript project
Removes .d.ts and .js files in the project
egg-mysql typescript .d.ts 支持