TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.3 • Public • Published




Recommended: Via npm webpack/rollup/parcel/etc

npm install z-idb

Now you can require/import z-idb:

import { get, set } from 'z-idb';

If you're targeting IE10/11, use the compat version, and import a Promise polyfill.

// Import a Promise polyfill
import 'es6-promise/auto';
import { get, set } from 'z-idb/dist/esm-compat';

All bundles

A well-behaved bundler should automatically pick the ES module or the CJS module depending on what it supports, but if you need to force it either way:

  • z-idb/dist/index.js EcmaScript module.
  • z-idb/dist/index.cjs CommonJS module.

Legacy builds:

  • z-idb/dist/compat.js EcmaScript module, transpiled for older browsers.
  • z-idb/dist/compat.cjs CommonJS module, transpiled for older browsers.
  • z-idb/dist/umd.js UMD module, also transpiled for older browsers.

These built versions are also available on jsDelivr, e.g.:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/z-idb@6/dist/umd.js"></script>
<!-- Or in modern browsers: -->
<script type="module">
  import { get, set } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/z-idb@6/ esm';



import { set } from 'z-idb';

set('hello', 'world');

Since this is IDB-backed, you can store anything structured-clonable (numbers, arrays, objects, dates, blobs etc), although old Edge doesn't support null. Keys can be numbers, strings, Dates, (IDB also allows arrays of those values, but IE doesn't support it).

All methods return promises:

import { set } from 'z-idb';

set('hello', 'world')
  .then(() => console.log('It worked!'))
  .catch((err) => console.log('It failed!', err));


import { get } from 'z-idb';

// logs: "world"
get('hello').then((val) => console.log(val));

If there is no 'hello' key, then val will be undefined.


Set many keyval pairs at once. This is faster than calling set multiple times.

import { set, setMany } from 'z-idb';

// Instead of:
Promise.all([set(123, 456), set('hello', 'world')])
  .then(() => console.log('It worked!'))
  .catch((err) => console.log('It failed!', err));

// It's faster to do:
  [123, 456],
  ['hello', 'world'],
  .then(() => console.log('It worked!'))
  .catch((err) => console.log('It failed!', err));

This operation is also atomic – if one of the pairs can't be added, none will be added.


Get many keys at once. This is faster than calling get multiple times. Resolves with an array of values.

import { get, getMany } from 'z-idb';

// Instead of:
Promise.all([get(123), get('hello')]).then(([firstVal, secondVal]) =>
  console.log(firstVal, secondVal),

// It's faster to do:
getMany([123, 'hello']).then(([firstVal, secondVal]) =>
  console.log(firstVal, secondVal),


Transforming a value (eg incrementing a number) using get and set is risky, as both get and set are async and non-atomic:

// Don't do this:
import { get, set } from 'z-idb';

get('counter').then((val) =>
  set('counter', (val || 0)   1);

get('counter').then((val) =>
  set('counter', (val || 0)   1);

With the above, both get operations will complete first, each returning undefined, then each set operation will be setting 1. You could fix the above by queuing the second get on the first set, but that isn't always feasible across multiple pieces of code. Instead:

// Instead:
import { update } from 'z-idb';

update('counter', (val) => (val || 0)   1);
update('counter', (val) => (val || 0)   1);

This will queue the updates automatically, so the first update set the counter to 1, and the second update sets it to 2.


Delete a particular key from the store.

import { del } from 'z-idb';



Delete many keys at once. This is faster than calling del multiple times.

import { del, delMany } from 'z-idb';

// Instead of:
Promise.all([del(123), del('hello')])
  .then(() => console.log('It worked!'))
  .catch((err) => console.log('It failed!', err));

// It's faster to do:
delMany([123, 'hello'])
  .then(() => console.log('It worked!'))
  .catch((err) => console.log('It failed!', err));


Clear all values in the store.

import { clear } from 'z-idb';



Get all entries in the store. Each entry is an array of [key, value].

import { entries } from 'z-idb';

// logs: [[123, 456], ['hello', 'world']]
entries().then((entries) => console.log(entries));


Get all keys in the store.

import { keys } from 'z-idb';

// logs: [123, 'hello']
keys().then((keys) => console.log(keys));


Get all values in the store.

import { values } from 'z-idb';

// logs: [456, 'world']
values().then((values) => console.log(values));

Custom stores:

By default, the methods above use an IndexedDB database named keyval-store and an object store named keyval. If you want to use something different, see custom stores.



方法 参数 返回 描述
getStore getStore(name: string) 返回IDBObjectStore 获取表
getIndex getIndex(name: string, indexName: string) 返回IDBIndex 返回索引
getValueByIndexField getValueByIndexField({name = '', indexName = '', field = ''}) promise 根据索引和字段获取值
getRangeByIndex getRangeByIndex({name, indexName, idbKeyRange}: any, fn: Function) promise 根据索引获取范围
getRangeByIndexPage getRangeByIndexPage({name, indexName, idbKeyRange, pageNum, pageSize}: any, fn: Function) fn({pageNum, pageSize, list}) 根据索引分页处理
deleteIndex deleteIndex(name: string, indexName: string) promise 删除索引
insertRows insertRows(name: string, collection: Array) promise 插入多条
insertRow insertRow(name: string, row: Object) promise 插入单条
updateRow updateRow(name: string, row: Object) promise 更新单行
updateRow updateRow(name: string, row: Object) promise 更新单行
updateField updateField(name: string, key: string, {fields, values}: any) promise 更新单行
updateRows updateRows(name: string, collection: Array) promise 更新多行
deleteRow deleteRow(name: string, keyPathValue: string) promise 删除单条
deleteRows deleteRows(name: string, keyPathValues: Array) promise 删除多条
getRow getRow(name: string, key: string) promise 获取单条
getRows getRows(name: string, options = []) promise 获取单条
getKey getKey(name: string, key: string | number) promise 获取主键值
getAllKeys getAllKeys(name: string, options = []) promise 获取所有键
handleEachCursor handleEachCursor(name: string, fn: Function, params = []) fn(event.target.result) 遍历表
getTables getTables(fn: Function) fn(res.objectStoreNames) 遍历表
getCounts getCounts(name: string) promise 总条数
clearTable clearTable(name: string) promise 删除表
deleteDB deleteDB promise 删除库

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