
1.1.20 • Public • Published

Cypress & Playwright Reporting: Seamless Integration with Google Sheets and CSV

Our package bridges Cypress and Playwright test runs with Google Sheets or CSV, streamlining test result integration and boosting team collaboration. It not only provides immediate insights into automation project health but also leads a paradigm shift in organizational methods, promoting clearer coordination and efficiency. Note: Cypress is a registered trademark of, Playwright is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation, and Google Sheets is a registered trademark of Google Inc. This application is not officially endorsed or certified by Playwright, Microsoft Corporation, Google Inc., or

Table of Contents

  1. Installation

  2. Quick Start

  3. Samples

  4. Sheets Setup Guide

  5. Sheets Enhanced Configuration

  6. Github CI/CD

  7. Demo Branch


qa-shadow-report setup guide

Upon installing qa-shadow-report, you can run the command qasr-setup which initiates a couple of Yes or No questions to guide you through setting up the tool for your testing framework and package manager. You may choose to exit the setup at any time, by entering EXIT. You will then need to manually complete the setup by following the detailed instructions provided in the Cypress or Playwright sections of this guide.

This setup process is designed to tailor the installation to your specific needs, ensuring that all dependencies and configurations are correctly established for your environment.


Generate Reports In CSV format

  • Use the base commands with a framework of Cypress or Playwright and the optional flag --csv to run a daily report.
    • qa-shadow-report [framework] --csv
    • qa-shadow-report [framework] todays-report --csv
  • Ensure JSON data is present from [framework] test results output, check the Prerequisites section to see a [framework] configuration.
  • A detailed summary will be downloaded into the Cypress Downloads folder cypress/downloads
  • Monthly summary reports are not currently supported in CSV format.


Sheets Daily Report

Screenshot of Feature

Sheets Monthly Summary

Screenshot of Feature

CSV Daily Report

Screenshot of Feature

Sheets setup Guide


Before you begin, ensure you have the following packages and authentication, you can run the command qasr-setup which initiates a couple of Yes or No questions to guide you through setting up the tool for your testing framework and package manager:

  • Mochawesome and Mochawesome Merge: Usually installed by the setup wizard, these are recommended for Cypress test report generation: npm install --save-dev mochawesome mochawesome-merge.

  • Google Spreadsheet ID: Find this in your sheet's URL and store it in an environment variable.

  • Service Account Credentials for Google Sheets: Follow the detailed guide from node-google-spreadsheet they have a great document describing Google Service Accounts node-google-spreadshee: Google Service Account to set up and safely store your credentials, updating shadowReportConfig.* (js, or ts) with the path to these credentials. Use .gitignore to secure your credentials within your project.

  • qa-shadow-report configuration file: Usually installed by the setup wizard in the root of your Cypress project, named: shadowReportConfig.* (js, or ts).

    • teamNames: An array of identifiers representing different teams within your organization that may use or contribute to the testing process.
    • testTypes: Specifies the types of tests included in your project, such as API tests or UI tests, to help organize and filter test executions.
    • testCategories: Defines the categories of tests your project includes, such as smoke tests for quick checks or sanity tests for verifying vital features after builds.
    • googleSpreadsheetId: The unique identifier for your Google Sheets project, found within the URL of your Google Sheet. This is used to integrate and sync test result data.
    • googleKeyFilePath: The file path to your Google service account credentials, which are required to authenticate and interact with Google Sheets API.
    • testData: The file path to where your test results in JSON format are stored, typically generated by Cypress or another testing framework.
    • csvDownloadsPath: The directory path where the generated CSV files will be saved. This is useful for users who prefer to download and review test results in a CSV format.
    module.exports = {
      teamNames: [
      testTypes: [
      testCategories: [
      googleSpreadsheetId: 'v544j5h4h456v6n',
      googleKeyFilePath: 'googleCredentials.json',
      testData: 'cypress/results/output.json',
      csvDownloadsPath: 'downloads'

Recommended package.json Scripts

To ensure tests and reports are processed correctly, configure your package.json similarly to the following example:

  "scripts": {
    "cypress:prerun": "rm -rf cypress/results",
    "cypress:run": "npm run cypress:prerun && cypress run --headless --reporter mochawesome --reporter-options reportDir=cypress/results,overwrite=false,html=false,json=true",
    "postcypress:run": "npm run report:merge",
    "report:merge": "mochawesome-merge cypress/results/*.json > cypress/results/output.json && npm run report:generate",
    "report:generate": "qa-shadow-report cypress",
    "cypress-test": "npm run cypress:run"

In this example, running npm cypress-test will

  • cypress:prerun delete all previous test run data.
  • cypress:run run all Cypress tests and add each test result to a results folder, in JSON format.
  • postcypress:run call report:merge.
  • report:merge merge individual test results into one large JSON object.
  • report:generate: Generate a report based on the Cypress test results using qa-shadow-report.

Adjust these scripts as needed for your project's requirements.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following packages and authentication, you can run the command qasr-setup which initiates a couple of Yes or No questions to guide you through setting up the tool for your testing framework and package manager:

  • Google Spreadsheet ID: Find this in your sheet's URL and store it in an environment variable.

  • Service Account Credentials for Google Sheets: Follow the detailed guide from node-google-spreadsheet they have a great document describing Google Service Accounts node-google-spreadshee: Google Service Account to set up and safely store your credentials, updating shadowReportConfig.* (js, or ts) with the path to these credentials. Use .gitignore to secure your credentials within your project.

  • Playwright Configuration: In the playwright.config.js file, specify the reporter like this:

    // playwright.config.js
    reporter: [['json', { outputFile: 'test-results/output.json' }]];
  • qa-shadow-report configuration file: shadowReportConfig.* (js, or ts) Can be installed by the setup wizard in the root of your Cypress project, you can run the command qasr-setup which initiates a couple of Yes or No questions to guide you through setting up the tool for your testing framework and package manager.

    • teamNames: An array of identifiers representing different teams within your organization that may use or contribute to the testing process.
    • testTypes: Specifies the types of tests included in your project, such as API tests or UI tests, to help organize and filter test executions.
    • testCategories: Defines the categories of tests your project includes, such as smoke tests for quick checks or sanity tests for verifying vital features after builds.
    • googleSpreadsheetId: The unique identifier for your Google Sheets project, found within the URL of your Google Sheet. This is used to integrate and sync test result data.
    • googleKeyFilePath: The file path to your Google service account credentials, which are required to authenticate and interact with Google Sheets API.
    • testData: The file path to where your test results in JSON format are stored, typically generated by Cypress or another testing framework.
    • scvDownloadsPath: The directory path where the generated CSV files will be saved. This is useful for users who prefer to download and review test results in a CSV format.
    module.exports = {
      teamNames: [
      testTypes: [
      testCategories: [
      googleSpreadsheetId: 'v544j5h4h456v6n',
      googleKeyFilePath: 'googleCredentials.json',
      testData: 'cypress/results/output.json',
      csvDownloadsPath: 'downloads'

Recommended package.json Scripts

To ensure tests and reports are processed correctly, configure your package.json similarly to the following example:

  "scripts": {
    "playwright:prerun": "rm -rf test-results",
    "playwright:run": "npm run playwright:prerun && playwright test || true",
    "report:generate": "qa-shadow-report playwright",
    "playwright-test": "npm run playwright:run && npm run report:generate"

In this example, running npm run playwright-test will:

  • playwright:prerun: Delete all previous Playwright test run data by removing the playwright/test-results folder.
  • playwright:run: Run all Playwright tests, storing each result in the test-results folder in JSON format.
  • report:generate: Generate a report based on the Playwright test results using qa-shadow-report.
  • playwright-test: Combine playwright:run and report:generate to execute the entire process in one step, running the tests and then generating the report. Make sure that your qa-shadow-report command works as expected with Playwright data, and adjust any paths or arguments to fit your specific project's setup.

To Generate Reports In Sheets

All commands require that test report data is present, in this example, the report data is generated by the testing framework.
  • To run the standard global functionality

    • Run the command qa-shadow-report [framework].
    • This command processes the data from the test results and create a detailed report.
    • A new sheet Tab will be creted with the current days title e.g Mar 24, 2024, to which this detailed report will be written.
    • If tabs exist on the Sheet for the previous month e.g. current month is April and Sheet Tabs exist for Mar 24, 2024, Mar 25, 2024, then a monthly summary will be generated with that previous months data Summary Mar 2024.
    • The report will fail if JSON test result data is not present.
    • Duplicate Sheet Tabs are not allowed, to create a duplicate tab, use the flag --duplicate.
  • To run the daily report only

    • Run qa-shadow-report [framework] todays-report.
    • Ensure JSON data is present from framework test results output.
    • Duplicate Sheet Tabs are not allowed, to create a duplicte tab, use the flag --duplicate.
    • This command will bypass the task of generating a monthly summary.
  • To run the monthly summary report only

    • Run qa-shadow-report [framework] monthly-summary.
    • Ensure daily reports from the previous month are present, otherwise no summary will be generated.
    • Duplicate Sheet Tabs are not allowed, to create a duplicate tab, use the flag --duplicate.
    • This command will bypass the task of generating a daily report.

To Generate Duplicates

  • Use the base commands with the optional flag --duplicate
    • qa-shadow-report [framework] --duplicate
    • qa-shadow-report [framework] todays-report --duplicate
    • Monthly summary dupliactes must be created directly, using the command qa-shadow-report [framework] monthly-summary.

Quick Command Reference

  • qa-shadow-report [framework] or qasr [framework] - Generates a monthly and daily report in sheets, if none exist.
  • qa-shadow-report [framework] todays-report - Generates todays report in sheets, if none exist.
  • qa-shadow-report [framework] monthly-summary - Generates a monthly summary in sheets, if none exist.
  • qasr-setup - Initiates the setup process fo reither Cypress or PLaywright, NPM or Yarn
  • --csv - Outputs the test results in cypress/downloads folder in csv format, if none exist.
  • --duplicate - Allows duplicate daily reports to be created.
  • --help - Outputs a summary of available commands and their usage.

Sheets Enhanced Configuration

Column: Team

If you have team names or labels indicating ownership of a test or code feature, you need to specify them to ensure visibility on the report sheet. Add them to your shadowReportConfig.* (.js, or.ts) file:

module.exports = {
  teamNames: [
  googleSpreadsheetId: 'v544j5h4h456v6n',
  googleKeyFilePath: 'googleCredentials.json',
  testData: '[framework]/results/output.json',
  csvDownloadsPath: 'downloads'

The Team Name column aggregates and displays data based on the team names you define. Include the team name within square brackets in the describe block string to identify the team responsible for the feature code. For instance, [Windsor] is used as the team name in this example:

describe('[Windsor] Unit test our math functions', () => {
  context('math', () => {
    it('can add numbers [C2452][smoke]', () => {
      expect(add(1, 2)).to.eq(3)

    it('can subtract numbers [C24534][smoke]', () => {
      expect(subtract(5, 12)).to.eq(-7)

    it('can divide numbers [C2460]', () => {
      expect(divide(27, 9)).to.eq(3)

    it('can multiply numbers [C2461]', () => {
      expect(multiply(5, 4)).to.eq(20)

This configuration allows for a more organized and comprehensive report, showcasing test ownership and facilitating team-specific analysis. If you do not specify Team Names, there will be no metrics reported regarding Teams.

Column: Type

The Type column compiles and categorizes data based on predefined categories. To ensure visibility on the report sheet. Add them to your shadowReportConfig.* (.js, or.ts) file. If you do not specify a list of Test Targets, the reporting software will use the default list, and will only compile metrics based on the default list of: ["api", "ui", "unit", "integration", "endToEnd", "performance", "security", "database", "accessibility", "mobile"].

module.exports = {
      teamNames: ['oregano'],
      testTypes: [
      googleSpreadsheetId: 'v544j5h4h456v6n',
      googleKeyFilePath: 'googleCredentials.json',
      testData: '[framework]/results/output.json',
      csvDownloadsPath: 'downloads'

To incorporate a test Tpye into your [framework] report, it's essential, and highly recommended, to integrate the test Type into your [framework] file structure. This practice enhances organizational clarity within your team. For instance, in this example, 'api' is added after the e2e directory:


Similarly, you can structure your files for other types, such as UI or Performance:



This method of file organization facilitates easy identification and categorization of tests based on their target type, thereby streamlining the reporting and analysis process.

Column: Category

The Category column compiles data to represent the specific purpose of each test, based on predefined categories. To ensure visibility on the report sheet. Add them to your shadowReportConfig.* (.js, or.ts) file. If you do not specify a list of Categories, the reporting software will use the default list, and will only compile metrics based on the default list of: ["smoke", "regression", "sanity", "exploratory", "functional", "load", "stress", "usability", "compatibility", "alpha", "beta"].

module.exports = {
      teamNames: ['oregano'],
      testTypes: ['mobile'],
      testCategories: [
      googleSpreadsheetId: 'v544j5h4h456v6n',
      googleKeyFilePath: 'googleCredentials.json',
      testData: '[framework]/results/output.json',
      csvDownloadsPath: 'downloads'

To indicate the purpose of a test within your [framework] suite, add the Test Purpose in square brackets at the end of the string in the it block. This annotation specifies the intended coverage of the test. For example, in this snippet, [smoke] and [usability] are used to denote Test Purposes:

describe('[Windsor] Unit test our math functions', () => {
  context('math', () => {
    it('can add numbers [C2452][smoke]', () => {
      expect(add(1, 2)).to.eq(3)

    it('can subtract numbers [C24534][smoke]', () => {
      expect(subtract(5, 12)).to.eq(-7)

    it('can divide numbers [C2460] [usability]', () => {
      expect(divide(27, 9)).to.eq(3)

    it('can multiply numbers [C2461]', () => {
      expect(multiply(5, 4)).to.eq(20)

This approach not only categorizes your tests effectively but also adds clarity to the specific objectives they aim to achieve, thereby enhancing the insightfulness of your test reporting.

Column: Manual Case

The Manual Case column is designed to display the Manual Case ID associated to the automated test. Within the it block string in your [framework] tests, include the Manual Case in square brackets at the end of the string. This notation specifies the Manual Case linked to each particular test. For instance, [C2452] and [C24534] are examples of manual cases used in this context. You can format identifiers using a prefix of letters (or symbols like # or -), followed by one or more numbers, as in [DEV-345], [TC-34535], and [#356363]. Make sure the identifier is enclosed within square brackets.

describe('[Windsor] Unit test our math functions', () => {
  context('math', () => {
    it('can add numbers [C2452][smoke]', () => {
      expect(add(1, 2)).to.eq(3)

    it('can subtract numbers [C24534][smoke]', () => {
      expect(subtract(5, 12)).to.eq(-7)

    it('can divide numbers [C2460] [usability]', () => {
      expect(divide(27, 9)).to.eq(3)

    it('can multiply numbers [C2461]', () => {
      expect(multiply(5, 4)).to.eq(20)

This method ensures that each test is accurately linked to its corresponding Manual Case ID, facilitating a more detailed and organized approach to test tracking, reporting, and auditing.

'The Works'

When specifying your Team Names, Test Targets, and Test Purposes, your shadowReportConfig.* (.js, or.ts) can look like this

module.exports = {
      teamNames: [
      testTypes: [
      testCategories: [
      googleSpreadsheetId: 'v544j5h4h456v6n',
      googleKeyFilePath: 'googleCredentials.json',
      testData: '[framework]/results/output.json',
      csvDownloadsPath: 'downloads'

Github CI/CD

This package is best suited for automated nightly runs, enabling teams to efficiently monitor project status and collaborate on test results every morning.

Integrating Google Sheets Credentials with GitHub Actions:

For seamless integration in GitHub Actions, as required for manual package operation, the Google Sheets credentials need to be appropriately configured. Given the length constraints of GitHub secrets, it may be necessary to compact the Google Sheets key using GPG encryption.

Steps for Secure Key Management

  1. Local Encryption of the Secret Key

    • Generate a GPG Key Pair: If not already available, generate a new GPG key pair using the command gpg --gen-key.
    • Encrypt the Secret File: For a secret file named google-key.json, encrypt it by executing gpg --output google-key.json.gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 google-key.json.
  2. Storing Encrypted Secrets in GitHub

    • Repository Storage: Include the encrypted file (google-key.json.gpg) in the repository.
    • Creating a GitHub Secret: Generate a GitHub secret named GPG_PASSPHRASE containing the passphrase used for file encryption.
  3. Decrypting the Secret in GitHub Actions

    • Workflow Modification: Incorporate steps in your GitHub Actions workflow to decrypt the secret file using the stored passphrase. The modifications should align with your project's encryption setup.

Note: A suitable GitHub Action configuration is required for this process to function correctly:

name: Nightly Cypress Test and Report

    # Schedule to run at 00:00 UTC (You can adjust the time as needed)
    - cron: '0 0 * * *'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Check out repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Set up Node.js
      uses: actions/setup-node@v3
        node-version: '14' # Specify the Node.js version

    - name: Install GPG
      run: sudo apt-get install -y gpg

    - name: Decrypt Google Sheets Key
      run: |
        echo "${{ secrets.GPG_PASSPHRASE }}" | gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --output google-key.json --decrypt google-key.json.gpg

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: npm install

    - name: Run Cypress Tests and Generate Report
      run: |
        npm run cypress:prerun
        npm run cypress:run
        npm run postcypress:run
        npm run report:generate

Additional Notes:

  • Security: Be cautious with the passphrase and the encrypted file. If someone gains access to both, they can decrypt your secret.
  • GPG Version: Ensure that the GPG version you use locally for encryption is compatible with the version installed in the GitHub Actions runner.
  • File Paths: Adjust file paths in the script according to where you store the encrypted file and where the decrypted file is needed.

Demo Branch

For those who want to see qa-shadow-report in action before integrating it into their projects, we have set up a demo branch in the repository. This branch includes a fully configured setup where you can run and observe the report generation process.

How to Use the Demo

  1. Switch to the Demo Branch: Navigate to our repository and switch to the branch named demo.

  2. Follow the Setup Instructions: Ensure you meet the prerequisites and follow the setup steps outlined in the Setup Guide.

  3. Install Dependencies:

    • For General Use: If you're looking to use the plugin without modifying its code, you can easily install the published package from npm. Execute the following commands at the root of your project: cd [framework]-example && npm install qa-shadow-report && npm install

      This will install the qa-shadow-report package from npm along with any other required dependencies.

    • For Advanced Users (Local Development): If you are contributing to the qa-shadow-report code and need to test your changes within [framework]-example, you can use a locally linked version of the package. Run this command at the root of the project: npm link && cd [framework]-example && npm install && npm link qa-shadow-report

      This sequence of commands first creates a local link to your development version of qa-shadow-report, then sets up [framework]-example to use this local version, and finally installs any other dependencies.

  4. Run the Tests: While in the [framework]-example folder, use the [framework] command to run [framework] tests and generate reports.

  5. Observe the Results: Check the generated reports in the specified Google Sheet or CSV file.

The demo branch is an excellent resource for understanding how qa-shadow-report functions in a real-world scenario. Feel free to explore and modify the demo setup to test different configurations and features.


© 2024 Peter Souza. All rights reserved. Users are granted the freedom to use this code according to their needs and preferences. Note: Cypress is a registered trademark of, Playwright is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation, and Google Sheets is a registered trademark of Google Inc. This application is not officially endorsed or certified by Playwright, Microsoft Corporation, Google Inc., or

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  • peterskullmedia