Picdiff is an image diffing tool, useful for screenshot diffing. Screenshot diffing is valuable because it can be done quite easily and it provides a lot of coverage. This tool does not take screenshots, it simply compares them, but it provides utilities to make it easy to use with ... It uses node-resemble-js to compare images.
Customizeable image diffing options and thresholds
Generates a simple HTML preview with options to toggle views and see fullsize images
Validates the json output from the diff to integrate into testing / ci workflows
Doesn't take screenshots but provides helpers for codecept.js and nightmare.js
Works similarly to jest snapshot diffs
Install it
npm install -D picdiff
Then use it by adding to your package.json scripts
Picdiff expects a directory structure similar to the following:
Contributions and suggestions are welcome! Please feel free to open an issue if you run into a problem or have a feature request. I'll do my best to respond in a timely fashion.
If you want to open a pull request just fork the repo but please make sure all tests and lint pass.