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0.2.0 • Public • Published


Nock is an HTTP mocking and expectations library for Node.js

Nock can be used to test modules that perform HTTP requests in isolation.

For instance, if a module performs HTTP requests to a CouchDB server or makes HTTP requests to the Amazon API, you can test that module in isolation.


$ npm install nock


On your test, you can setup your mocking object like this:

var nock = require('nock');

var couchdb = nock('')
                .reply(200, {_id: "123ABC", _rev: "946B7D1C", username: 'pgte', email: '[email protected]'});

This setup says that we will intercept every HTTP call to

It will intercept an HTTP GET request to '/users/1' and reply with a status 404.

Then the test can call the module, and the module will do the HTTP requests.

Specifying replies

You can specify the return status code for a path on the first argument of reply like this:

var scope = nock('')

You can also specify the reply body as a string:

var scope = nock('')
                .reply(200, "Hello from Google!");

or as a JSON-encoded object:

var scope = nock('')
                .reply(200, {username: 'pgte', email: '[email protected]', _id: "4324243fsd"});

or even as a file:

var scope = nock('')
                .replyWithFile(200, __dirname   '/replies/user.json');

HTTP Verbs

Nock supports get, post, put and delete HTTP verbs.


You can chain behaviour like this:

var scope = nock('')
                .post('/users', {username: 'pgte', email: '[email protected]'})
                .reply(201, {ok: true, id: "123ABC", rev: "946B7D1C"})
                .reply(200, {_id: "123ABC", _rev: "946B7D1C", username: 'pgte', email: '[email protected]'});

Path filtering

You can also filter the URLs based on a function.

This can be useful, for instance, if you have random or time-dependent data in your URL.

You can use a regexp for replacement, just like String.prototype.replace:

var scope = nock('')
                .filterPath(/password=[^&]*/g, 'password=XXX')
                .reply(200, 'user');

Or you can use a function:

var scope = nock('')
                .filterPath(function(path) {
                   return '/ABC';
                .reply(200, 'user');

Request Body filtering

You can also filter the request body based on a function.

This can be useful, for instance, if you have random or time-dependent data in your URL.

You can use a regexp for replacement, just like String.prototype.replace:

var scope = nock('')
                .filterRequestBody(/password=[^&]*/g, 'password=XXX')
                .post('/users/1', 'data=ABC&password=XXX')
                .reply(201, 'OK');

Or you can use a function:

var scope = nock('')
                .filterRequestBody(function(path) {
                   return 'ABC';
                .post('/', 'ABC')
                .reply(201, 'OK');


Every time an HTTP request is performed for a scope that is mocked, Nock expects to find a handler for it. If it doesn't, it will throw an error.

Calls to nock() return a scope which you can assert by calling scope.done(). This will assert that all specified calls on that scope were performed.


var google = nock('')
                .reply(200, 'Hello from Google!');

// do some stuff

setTimeout(function() {
  google.done(); // will throw an assertion error if meanwhile a "GET" was not performed.
}, 5000);


Nock can log matches if you pass in a log function like this:

var google = nock('')

How does it work?

Nock works by overriding Node's http.request function.




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  • paulmelnikow
  • pgte
  • gr2m
  • nockbot