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ISO 8601 date, duration, and interval parsing package as declared on Wikipedia ISO 8601.

In Spain, piso refers to the whole apartment, whereas in Mexico, it refers only to the floor of your departamento. But the above has nothing to do with this project.




Parse interval from an ISO 8601 interval string.

  • iso8601Interval: string with ISO 8601 interval source

Returns ISOInterval.

import { parseInterval } from '@0dep/piso';

const viableIntervals = [

for (const i of viableIntervals) {
  console.log({ [i]: parseInterval(i).getExpireAt() });


Parse duration from an ISO 8601 duration string.

  • iso8601Duration: string with ISO 8601 duration source

Returns ISODuration.

import { parseDuration } from '@0dep/piso';

const viableDurations = [

for (const d of viableDurations) {
  console.log({ [d]: parseDuration(d).getExpireAt() });

try {
  // fractions are only allowed on the smallest unit
} catch (err) {
  console.log({ err });


Get Date from an ISO 8601 date time string.

  • iso8601Date: string with ISO 8601 date source, date and number are also accepted

Returns date.

import { getDate } from '@0dep/piso';

const viableDates = [
  '2024-02-03T08:06:30 02:00',
  '2024-02-03T08:06:30.5 02:00',
  '20240203T080630 0200',
  '2025-01-01T12:00:42.01 02:30',
  '2025-01-01T12:00:42.01 02:30:30',
  '2025-01-01T24:00 01',
  '2025-01-01T24:00:00 01',
  '2025-01-01T24:00:00.00 01',
  new Date(2024, 3, 22),
  Date.UTC(2024, 3, 22),

for (const d of viableDates) {
  console.log({ [d]: getDate(d) });

try {
} catch (err) {
  console.log({ err });

try {
  // unbalanced separators
} catch (err) {
  console.log({ err });

NB! string without timezone precision is considered local date, or as Wikipedia put it "If no UTC relation information is given with a time representation, the time is assumed to be in local time".

new ISOInterval(source)

Interval instance.


  • repeat: number of repeats
  • start: start date as ISODate
  • duration: duration as ISODuration
  • end: end date as ISODate
  • type: interval type
  • get startDate: start date as date, requires parse() to be called
  • get endDate: end date as date, requires parse() to be called


Number representing the interval type flags. Available after parse.

  • 1: Repeat
  • 2: Start date
  • 4: Duration
  • 8: End date

Example flags

  • 3: Repeat and start date, rather pointless but possible nevertheless
  • 5: Repeat and duration
  • 6: Start date and duration
  • 7: Repeat, start date, and duration
  • 10: Start- and end date
  • 12: Duration and end date
  • 13: Repeat, duration, and end date

Do I have repeat in my interval?

import { parseInterval } from '@0dep/piso';

console.log((parseInterval('R3/P1Y').type & 1) === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No');
// Yes

console.log((parseInterval('R-1/P1Y').type & 1) === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No');
// Yes, indefinite number of repetititions

console.log((parseInterval('R-1/2024-03-27/P1Y').type & 1) === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No');
// Yes, indefinite number of repetititions from start date

console.log((parseInterval('R-1/P1Y/2024-03-27').type & 1) === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No');
// Yes, indefinite number of repetititions until end date

console.log((parseInterval('R0/P1Y').type & 1) === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No');
// No, zero is equal to once

console.log((parseInterval('R1/P1Y').type & 1) === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No');
// No, since it's just once

console.log((parseInterval('R1/2024-03-28').type & 1) === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No');
// No, pointless repeat

console.log((parseInterval('R1/2024-03-28/31').type & 1) === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No');
// No, pointless repeat

console.log((parseInterval('R1/P1Y/2024-03-28').type & 1) === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No');
// No

Is start date defined in my interval?

import { parseInterval } from '@0dep/piso';

const interval = parseInterval('R-1/2024-03-28/P1Y');

console.log((interval.type | 2) === interval.type ? 'Yes' : 'No');


Returns ISOInterval.

Throws RangeError if something is off.

new ISODate(source[, offset])

ISO date instance.


  • source: ISO 8601 date source string
  • offset: optional source string offset column number


  • result:
    • Y: full year
    • M: javascript month
    • D: date
    • H: hours
    • m: minutes
    • S: seconds
    • F: milliseconds
    • Z: Z, , or -
    • OH: offset hours
    • Om: offset minutes
    • OS: offset seconds


date.parsePartialDate(Y, M, D)

Parse partial date as compared to passed date part arguments.

  • Y: required full year
  • M: required javascript month
  • D: required date

Returns ISODate


Get Date represented by source.

new ISODuration(source[, offset])

Duration instance.


  • source: duration source string
  • offset: optional source string offset column number


  • result:
    • Y: years
    • M: months
    • W: weeks
    • D: days
    • H: hours
    • m: minutes
    • S: seconds


Get duration in milliseconds from optional start date.


Get duration in milliseconds until optional end date.


An example to get start and end date:

import { parseInterval } from '@0dep/piso';

const source = '2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/P1Y2M10DT2H30M';

const interval = parseInterval(source);

console.log('starts at', interval.getStartAt());
console.log('expires at', interval.getExpireAt());
console.log('duration milliseconds', interval.duration.toMilliseconds());

An example to get duration milliseconds:

import { parseDuration } from '@0dep/piso';

const duration = parseDuration('PT2H30M');

console.log('duration millisecods', duration.toMilliseconds(new Date()));


With end date


Repetition start at expire at
4 1999-08-01 2001-08-01
3 2001-08-01 2003-08-01
2 2003-08-01 2005-08-01
1 2005-08-01 2007-08-01


Seems to run 3 times more efficient than RegExp implementations. But date parsing is, of course, slower compared to new Date('2024-03-26'). On the other hand new Date('2024-03-26') resolves to UTC while new Date(2024, 2, 26) does not. Not sure what to expect but IMHO it should be a local date.

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