About this mod
Frost Patch and Replacer Patch for ShimSham and F4NV Team's F4NV .44 Magnum.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Balanced the weapon to be on-par with other weapons in FROST.
- Weapon is treated as a standalone that spawns alongside the vanilla .44 magnum due to double action functionality.
- Replacer Version replaces .44 Magnum in the game.
- Mysterious Magnum cannot be obtained due to FROST's changes to Diamond City. (Future Update will place the MM somewhere in the worldspace)
- Deleveled all modcols, renamed and edited receiver to be in line with FROST.
- Added more construction requirements for some mod attachments for the sake of balance (ammo conversion requires ammo to craft and need higher rank of Gun Nut)
- Weapon will spawn randomly on Army Remnants, Federation, Alliance, Highly Equipped Survivors, and Gun vendors with random attachments starting from level 1 (finding one with good attachments are rare).
- Install F4NV .44 Magnum
- Install my Patch
*Make sure to load the weapon mod and its requirements before FROST
*Make sure to load the Frost patch after FROST and its essentials.
Load Order Example:
- Fallout 4.esm
- DLCs.esm
- F4NV .44 Magnum.esp
- FROST.esp
- Redsfrostfix.esp
- aFrostMod.esp
- FROST F4NV .44 Magnum Patch.esp (FROST F4NV .44 Magnum Patch Replacer)
Naugrim04 for FROST
Rednewt for Frost Official Updates
ShimSham and F4NV Team for F4NV 44 Magnum mod
FROST Discord Server for helping me make this patch possible
kjg92 for using his patches as my references
xrendermanx/The Rat for the first image provided!