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About this mod

Fixes so all the Greetings from Postcards from Ketaros Treasures can be looted without TCL and also attempts to fix so all the random spawned collective cards also can be properly looted.

Permissions and credits
  • Italian
Lootable Ketaros Treasures

Fixes so all the Greetings from Postcards from Ketaros Treasures can be looted without TCL and also attempts to fix so all the random spawned collective cards also can be properly looted.

Have tested and confirmed that all the Greetings from Postcards can now be looted properly. However haven't checked all the 500 spawns of the random cards, but did fix the core issue that caused a bunch of them all to get unlootable in the first place.

Technical Explanation
Mesh for the cards had a misalignment for collision of the card and the actual card causing the collision data to often get hidden behind the objects they where placed on. Or, in some cases, it caused the cards to float.

Realigned the actual card with the collision and then moved their position (yes all 500 0.o) to compensate.

As of Version 2.0
  • Each spawn point for cards and boardgames now uses a "leveled list" dummy instead of Activator. This means that they can now respawn.
      (Also fixes the "steal" and duplicate spawn issue that sometimes would happen.)
  • All the values have been rebalanced to compensate.
  • If updating mid-game you might see a couple of duplicates.
  • (Tech time: Original Mod use "Activator" with script to disable itself after spawning the card/boardgame. Disabled = No respawn. I replaced Activator with propper Dummy that'll respawn and also force re-enabled all the spawns. This means if a spawned/disable card/boardgame was around you'll get that AND the new dummy generated spawn. This is a one time thing. Alternative was not enabling it and the card/boardgame would never respawn.)
  • Set all magazine to "No Respawn" like vanilla magazines.

Ketaroz for creating Ketaros Treasures.

More Treasures
Ketaros Treasures - Postcard Rack
Ketaros Treasures - Board Games Shelf