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About this mod

Interior blueprint for Korodic's "Airship - Player Home and Settlement" mod.

Permissions and credits
Slightly Longer Description

Interior blueprint for Korodic's "Airship - Player Home and Settlement" mod. Transfer Settlements json file was made using a WSFW to TS-json converter.

All the interiors are decorated to replicate the three interiors of the Prydwen. This includes:

  • The Storage Bay, located at the main deck vertibird dock.
  • The Command Deck, the viewing area where Elder Maxson gives his speech.
  • The Main Deck, the main interior of the Prydwen; medical, research, recreation, mess and rest areas.

Hard Requirements

Wasteland Workshop

Workshop Framework  [If using the "Workshop Framework ESL" version.]
Transfer Settlements    [If using the "Transfer Settlements JSON" version.]
Airship - Player Home and Settlement
Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture[A lot of place furniture comes from this mod; gurney synth, wheelchair, x-rays, etc.]
OCDecorator - Static Loot    [Placed items are from this mod; disregard if you wish to place your own miscellaneous junk from a different mod.]
Settlement Objects Expansion Pack
Workshop Rearranged

Liquid Requirements

Vault-Tec Workshop     [I placed three atrium walls at the back of the quartermasters room; can be safely disregarded.]

Beretta M9-FS Pistol (92FS)[I placed one Beretta (in the Command Deck) from this mod; can be safely disregarded.]
CREAtive Clutter - All DLC    [Two book stacks in Quinlan's quarters; disregard if you wish to place your own books from a different mod.]
Homemaker - Expanded Settlements [Placed terminals are from this mod; disregard if you wish to place your own terminals from a different mod.]
Navmesh Fix for Airship       [Not actually necessary, but why wouldn't you want this?]
Wasteland Imports       [Not actually necessary, I placed two magazines from this mod; can be safely disregarded.]
Home Decor Workshop Pack       [Beds and rugs are from this mod; disregard if you wish to place your own beds and rugs.]

Absolutely Unnecessary Requirements

Nate's Old Footlocker   [I have absolutely no idea, maybe a knife I placed in the Command Deck, but why?]
Settlement Ambush Kit[Don't know why this is listed as a requirement, not necessary at all.]