About this mod
Snow in FROST! Plus Radiant Clouds and Fogs.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This is my personal Frost (.041) weather patch which brings in the excellent RadiantClouds and Fogs (1.3) and adds snowy weather via Densaleagion’s Nuclear Weather Snow ONLY (0.8) mod.
Visually, the patch makes the wasteland moodier and more atmospheric. FO4’s camera mist has been replaced with RC&F’s fogs and snow storms bring
radstorm levels of radiation via Frost’s black rain precipitation effects.
Densaleagion uses a rain precipitation type so that his snow actually occludes. The resulting snow isn’t as fluffy as I’d like, but I couldn’t take snow falling through a roof (or two)...it more than gets the job done tho. Why Bethesda chose to make the snow type not occlude is beyond me.
I’ve made several changes to climate, cloud level colors, sounds and weather lighting to suit my tastes. Feedback is always welcome.
See it in Action:
To force snow, open the conlsole and type fw XX00080D (where XX is the position of Nuclear weather-SnowONLY.esp in your load order).
Far Harbor
Radiant Clouds and Fogs
Nuclear Weather Snow ONLY
LOOT should order this patch correctly. Manually, place it below Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp, Nuclear weather-SnowONLY.esp and FROST.esp
Screen shots are taken with MariENB for Frost. I’m using a mashup of Frost’s own landscape textures combined with Fallout 4 Seasons - Grass- Trees - Plants - Snow (Winter Options) by GameDuchess
Naugrim04 (Frost), Mangaclub (RC&F), Densaleagion (Nuclear Weather), Marisa Kirisame (MariENB), GameDuchess/frogprincessQ
(Fallout 4 Seasons), zilav (FO4Edit), matortheeternal (MatorSmash)
Made with FO4Edit and the Creation Kit.