function voronoi
Perform adaptive spatial binning of Integral-Field Spectroscopic (IFS) data to reach a chosen constant signal-to-noise ratio per bin. This method is required for the proper analysis of IFS observations, but can also be used for standard photometric imagery or any other two-dimensional data. Further information on VORONOI_2D_BINNING algorithm can be found in Cappellari M., Copin Y., 2003, MNRAS, 342, 345
result = voronoi(signal, noise, target, targetSN [, /map])
signal: | A 2D map with the signal in each pixel |
noise: | A 2D map specifying the noise in each pixel. Pixels with a noise value of zero will be neglected in the voronoi binning |
target: | The image which should be binned (can be the same as the signal map) |
targetSN: | The Signal/Noise value which should be reached |
/map: | Instead of applying the binning to an image, return a map with regions and their respective IDs |
Either the binned image or the map of regions
The original IDL code was written by Michele Cappellari, Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands [email protected]. If you have found this software useful for your research, he would appreciate an acknowledgment to use of `the Voronoi 2D-binning method by Cappellari & Copin (2003)'.