Prepare for a clash of ideologies and strategies. Strategic Mind: Fight for Dominance, a special installment of Strategic Mind series, combining the acclaimed...
Hack and Shoot Heroes can be wishlisted now on the Apple Appstore. Other platforms like Nintendo Switch and Playstation will be following in the new year...
Hack and Shoot Heroes released on for windows PC Hack and shoot now in!
Out now on the Nintendo eShop, Steam store and Microsoft Store! Brings you the joy of building miniature interior and homedecorating mixed into a puzzle...
Home Deco Puzzles can now be preordered on the Nintendo eShop or wishlisted on the Steam Store and will be released on the specific store on the 18. August... is now ready to pre-order on Nintendo Switch!
User voting has begun on the DTF website. If you like our game, rate the article on the site, it will help us. We also posted some free Steam keys on...
Hello, everyone! Today the official page of the game on Steam became available. Right now you can support our game and add it to your wishlist. There...
Cellyon: Boss Confrontation, the first raid-only MMORPG raised 50% of its Kickstarter in less than 48h
Finally, we have reached our biggest milestone so far! Damsel is available now to pre-order on Switch and Xbox!
A final trailer for mAIn COMPetition. The game is completed!
This is a trailer for mAIn COMPetition game. Preorder the game right now for 20% the final price!
In Quote Codes Diaries 2: The Making Of Primitive Font, we dive into the details of the making of the acclaimed Primitive Font used in Quote Codes.
Now that Quote Codes is up for Pre-Order. We decided to make a series of blogs mapping out Pixel Drop’s entire journey with the game. First up is the...
Quote Codes comes out on January 18, 2018 on the App Store. Please don’t forget to pre-order the game. It will automatically download on launch day...
The game takes place in the middle of the extinction of a huge metropolis. Time inside a small district stopped by the action of the mechanism, hidden...
The Splashteam unveils more information about competitive modes in its upcoming platformer.
Players can now reserve the crazy splatformer that will rock 2017.
After several month of hard work the development of Beyond Enemy Lines is done. Take a look at some new Screenshots and get more details about the content...
November is almost over and it's time to take a look at all the things that have changed in the last weeks and what is coming for December.
Captive in Devil's Village is an epic story oriented horror/adventure third person game. I'm finally showcasing the alpha and have released a short Demo...
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