6. Hand cannon
You better have strong muscles to carry and handle this heavy weapon, but its fire power makes it an excellent choice to take down
bigger enemies, cracked walls or building columns.
Secondary attack: none
Base damage: 150 explosive
Weapon expertise level 1: 20 damage
Weapon expertise level 2: 20 damage
7. Holy chalice
A magical chalice releasing energy blasts, used in ancient times by church men to fight ghosts and demons.
You can divert its energy to heal you.
Secondary attack: heal self
Base damage: 7 magical
Weapon expertise level 1: 2 damage
Weapon expertise level 2: 2 damage
8. Boarding axe
Light and swift but devastating in close combat. Can be used as well to cut ropes or pierce armors.
Secondary attack: none
Base damage: 16-66 physical
Weapon expertise level 1: 4 damage
Weapon expertise level 2: 4 damage
9. Golden parrot
A magical driven parrot that is particularly difficult to avoid or take down for enemies. In a more advanced level, you can have it teleport you at its current location.
Secondary attack: teleport
Base damage: 100 magical
Weapon expertise level 1: 18 damage
Weapon expertise level 2: 18 damage
10. Crossbow
Despite the advent of firearms, crossbows are still useful as they are more stable and quicker to reload.
With a wise use of magic power you can release two arrows at time.
Secondary attack: double arrow
Base damage: 31-63 physical
Weapon expertise level 1: 5 damage
Weapon expertise level 2: 5 damage