Hello everyone!
THE DAY is here! The beta is now officially released. Exciting! If you have received a key, you should now be able to play the game through Steam. If you have not been able to receive a key, fear not!
Pop in to our Discord Server and you will get a key there!
Discord Server: VwG4KYS
Our first focus
With a completely new game, there is a lot that needs tweaking, fixing and adjusting once actual players start using the game. This is something we hope you will help us with through feedback on all things related to the game. To give you an idea of what we, as a start, are focusing on we have some points below:
• Server stability
• Number of players connected per server
• Client FPS in Multiplayer and Singleplayer
• Movement, in Multiplayer and Singleplayer
• Game Balance, damage, stats, regeneration etc.
As you can see, much of this is related to what YOU think, feel and experience while playing the game. Therefore we greatly appreciate your communication. Let us know everything: what it feels like when moving around, how the stats, damage, regeneration e.t.c works, how the general gameplay feels/works. All constructive criticism is welcome. (Please keep in mind that the key-word in that sentence is constructive…).
Communicate with us on Discord
Don’t forget to join our Discord server. We will try to be available as much as possible here so that you can get fast feedback on whatever you wish to ask or suggest. If we are not present at the time of your question we will get back to you ASAP. News, bug-reports, suggestions, help, find players... this is the place to be!
Official Discord Server:
Upcoming steps of development
Through we are gathering info from the game and you, our players, we will continue to develop the game. The following points are what we have our eyes set on to begin/finish during the next month:
• Hit-Detection in PvP is getting a remake, will work similar to how it is currently in Co-op against AI. This will give quicker response and feedback to the player and the game will feel more synced even with higher latency.
• Movement sync for other players on your view is getting some love with better prediction to reduce latency differences and improve hit-detection sync with the new system (see above).
• Audio is on its way!
• A Server Manager will be implemented where all your servers started via the Server Launcher is listed and handled.
• GameMode balancing and Spell balancing will be done continuously
• Survival and Invasion is getting a revamp with some progression
• Steam implementations with Leaderboard and Achievements
We just want to finish off with wishing you all great battle luck! Hope you enjoy what is the first real look into the world of Ghostly Horizon and it’s exciting world! May the best Ghosts or Ectos win!
Best regards,
Ghostly Horizon Team