"Breathes new life into one of TW"s tightest and most atmospheric iterations with simplicity, balance and superb quality." - Antagonist, TW historian. Viking invasion II aims to recreate the campaign of the cult-status MTW: Viking Invasion on the Rome BI engine. It sticks closely to the original campaign, only making changes to correct large inaccuracies, to improve gameplay and comply with the new engine. It is also set a little later than the original campaign at AD 851 - two years after the birth of King Alfred the Great of Wessex. The map covers Ireland, England, Alba (Scotland), Jutland, Wales, and the isles and westernmost provinces of the Norwegians. There are 50 provinces and many new strategy-map trade resources and other models, as well as new map textures for both summer and winter. Eight factions are included which cover the Viking, Saxon and Celtic cultures. See link for more details.

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Greetings fans and supporters of Fourth Age: Total War. It is October now, and as winter approaches, so does the release of The Dominion of Men, the newest iteration of our mod.

Beta testing for The Dominion of Men has been initiated, and the final release draws near. We are currently testing the major factions, and a second round will follow for the minor factions.

Thank you for your constant support.

Viking Invasion II Featured in PCGamer Magazine

Viking Invasion II Featured in PCGamer Magazine


Viking Invasion II has been featured in the UK"s best-selling computer games magazine...

Patch 1.5

Patch 1.5


The final official patch (1.5) for those with earlier versions. Those downloading for the first time need not worry as the patch is included in the installer...

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viking invasion 2 music extended

viking invasion 2 music extended


this is a extended music submod,i have added more songs from medieval 1.

Dominion of Britannia

Dominion of Britannia

Patch 3 comments

Viking Invasion II: Dominion of Britannia aims to take the original Viking Invasion II (itself based on the cult-status Medieval Total War: Viking Invasion...

RS 2 Environments for Viking Invasion II

RS 2 Environments for Viking Invasion II

Patch 1 comment

This is RS 2 Environments for Viking Invasion II. Download the archive, open it, and extract "data" folder into "Rome - Total War\bi\VI2\".

Viking Invasion II v1.7

Viking Invasion II v1.7

Full Version 5 comments

This is VI 2 v1.7. Barbarian Invasion v1.6 is required to play the mod. Install the mod into your "Rome - Total War" folder, and use the new shortcut...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 45)
doliwaq - - 33 comments

Are Viking Invasion II v1.7 and Dominion of Britannia separated mods?

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BagaturKhan - - 8,211 comments

Legendary mod for Rome! Still playing it sometimes.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
jmatson - - 8 comments

Nice mod but why is the income of almost every town below 1000?!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 721,840 comments

Hi all I just installed all the files and I wanted to play and I get this message:

Script Error in bi\vi2/data/descr_sm_factions.txt, at line 170, column 1. "horde_min_units": This feature is not supported

Can someone help me out? I don"t know where it went wrong.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
masterofnone Creator
masterofnone - - 140 comments

That error usually comes up when you are trying to run the mod from the wrong exe. Hording is specific to BI and so trying to run a BI mod (as this is) from the Rome exe will create this error. Following the instructions to the letter should remove this problem.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Tomjones99 - - 42 comments

looks great, as I played original MTW1 VI years ago. I would like to see how the RTW engine works with a MTW based game. Battles and tactics better sure, but buildings and troop building is another way

I miss Huscarls (not the mercenaries) at the English site.
as they were mainly old North-Sea Germanic People, they have almost the same roots like Dans.
till 1066 the English King has haved English Huscarls. Sure, at the Anglo-Saxons they
were called Hirth, but Hirth was a combined name for all soldiers in total - serving all the time for nobles.

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TotalAdik - - 5 comments

the mod looks great!, plus the grass in game is well optimized for low spec rtw gamers like me. recommend this for rtw gamers who want to rule brittania!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
ulissys11 - - 18 comments

how can I solve the problem line 18 column 1 horde_min_units not supported ".

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheNordicViking - - 96 comments

Help me i got same thing

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
masterofnone Creator
masterofnone - - 140 comments

Sounds like you are trying to run this BI mode of the Rome exe rather than the BI one...

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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