Hello there, Humanoid Viewer. This project is in regards to one of many planned submods for STA3. To put it simply, it's a large scale fan-expansion of Final Edition, also utilizing elements from prior iterations of Armada 3 and SOA2. It is a major content Addon QOL mod, seeking to make it so the game runs optimally in both a PVP and PVE setting, while also bringing abandoned ideas from Final Edition to life, and filling in game elements that I thought were lacking. It's primary changes are reworks of abilities, but more importantly ships and stations, along with adding a plethora of new ships and stations to all factions(not including borg), even throwing in some more NPC assets to make the game more interesting and lively. There is a new and expanded soundtrack added to the mix to give it a more energetic feel, with some easter eggs thrown if you should happen to have any DLC. Many assets are from every iteration of STA3 and others from SOA2. Changelogs will have exact credits. Lex

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So, I've been taking the time to rework the mod entirely, effectively starting from scratch to try and locate and fix errors where I see them. I just recently put out a bare-bones beta release on my discord server, of which I've decided to translate over here shortly. There is a heavy array of changes and updates already but nowhere near completed or that well polished as I'd like. I wanna let you know that this project and the Dominion Blitzkrieg counterpart are not dead, progress is just taking time. Furthermore, with the assistance of the DS9R Dev/STA1 Remaster dev, whom of which is a friend of mine, we'll be able to expand the rosters of all factions that we deem fit, as you can see with the recent inclusion of the Orion Class, so you may see brand new stations and ships pop up from time to time. If you wish to see these changes with the game and catch earlier releases sooner, you may check out the discord where we are being more active on. Take care, viewer.


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Well hello there, humanoid viewer. Welcome to this first installation of a series of STA3 submods from this author.

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Echoes of War V0.176

Echoes of War V0.176

Full Version

Heavy update for EOW, a blend of QoL and gameplay changes!

Echoes of War V0.15

Echoes of War V0.15

Full Version 9 comments

Surprise! I managed to assemble another beta with many of the latest features & most of the previewed assets with an array of new improvements and bug-fixes...

Echoes of War V0.1

Echoes of War V0.1


EOW mod is currently in a position where at least it should be optimally playable, I wanted to get a new playable version out to y'all as quick as possible...

Echoes of War V0.42B

Echoes of War V0.42B

Full Version 5 comments

Fixed a critical error regarding cardassian faction that crashes them. All changelog and other changes remain the same.

Echoes of War V0.41

Echoes of War V0.41

Full Version 5 comments

Latest release of EOW, consisting of a mixed bag of changes, spanning from QoL and major changes to factions and gameplay, and also containing fixes from...

Echoes of War V0.35

Echoes of War V0.35

Full Version

Newest release of Echoes of War, primarily containing QoL changes, but does possess additional textures, enhanced Neutral Spawns, some readjusted maps...

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bjdk02 - - 4 comments

i must be blind, but cant find the enable mod file

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Guest - - 719,476 comments

Here is some criticism hopefully constructive, I don't see how some of this counts as QoL changes.. and the menu music is annoying. I like the inclusion of the achilles, aegian, and a few other ships, the ST: legacy music being added, and some of the new stations. Most of the silhouette icons are incorrect, i do like the change to the Torpedo and phaser Turrets, more ST: Armada canon. Some of the changes are painful like the vanilla lab Logistics cost making research way harder than it should be (one of my qualms about vanilla), and makes several ships not worth researching because of the high lab cost. Just my take on the mod hopefully this is received as mostly constructive.

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Guest - - 719,476 comments

Hi, this mod crashes Sins for me. do you also need STA to launch this? I did look for a read me file to explain install but there wasn't one. Thanks

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AlexDaLegend Creator
AlexDaLegend - - 90 comments

Yes, you will need to have ST: Armada 3 FINAL EDITION loaded alongside the submod for it to run

Ensure that the submod is listed above Final Edition in the enabled mods section however, otherwise it won't run properly

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Guest - - 719,476 comments

I just recently downloaded your latest version as of Aug 2024 and I have to say I like a lot of the additions and changes you've added. As far as some critics I would say the biggest up front is just finishing up making your 3D models to the same level of detail as the original game and (as others have pointed out) the game does tend to crash between 30 min to an hour of gaming. I'm sure your working on that and I can say that lowering the settings does help to an extent. One thing I would love to see is even more models added in, maybe even a few from Star Trek Online. Thanks again for the awesome mod.

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AlexDaLegend Creator
AlexDaLegend - - 90 comments

Much appreciated, and a new version with new assets is on the way, with quite a few surprises, and such a version is a bit more stable than the current one out, I would like to say that despite our best efforts, new station and ship quality may be inconsistent. Most of the new assets were created by other modellors long ago from various sites, and only few are custom made by Husker. We can try and remedy this, at least getting the assets to a decent quality level, but only so much can comfortably be done at this time.

We may get some vessels in based off of STO designs, however direct rips from the game might not be a good idea, since those Devs aren't too keen on such ideals.

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Guest - - 719,476 comments

Somewhat off topic, but any plans to mod in Sins 2?

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AlexDaLegend Creator
AlexDaLegend - - 90 comments

The possibility isn't 0, but it may be unlikely. If I do end up modding Sins 2, I'll likely be assisting other devs with their own projects

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AlexDaLegend Creator
AlexDaLegend - - 90 comments

I've got the critical bugs examined and reviewed, though due to an influx of new assets and some new ideas, a patch will be delayed, but it will be soon

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Dakkadakka - - 14 comments

Love the mod so far, great work. I look forward to future updates!

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