RealRTCW is an overhaul mod for critically acclaimed Wolfenstein classic. It features improved visuals, expanded arsenal, rebalanced gunplay and proper modern systems support!
Major release. Completely reanimated weapons, interactive hub, improved subtitles and more...
RealRTCW 5.0
Malta HQ:
New map which serve as a hub between the chapters and as a new training map. Features multiple areas of interests.
Total Weapons reANIMATION
Most of the firearms were completely reanimated from scratch. New firing and handling sounds are part of the package too.
New Tesla, Dynamite and Venom models
Being the last weapons without proper HD models - they finally got them.
Throwing knives
Can be used by using altfire with knife selected.
Checkpoint system
Now the game will automatically save your progress throughout the levels and will load the last checkpoint on your death. F10 is now binded by default to load last checkpoint. Also short spawn protection was introduced to avoid unfair deaths on the player spawn.
Realistic Movement Mode
-Reduced movement speed
-Decreased Jump velocity
-Can't use weapons while on the ladder
-Can't use weapons while sprinting
-Weapons now have dedicated sprinting animations
-Can be turned on/off with g_realism
Health Regen System
This OPTIONAL system will allow you to play RTCW with a modern health regen mechanic and forget about health items for a while. It is very similar to classic CODs. Health items are disabled with regen. Handled with g_regen CVAR.
Bullet Falloff Overhaul
All weapons are affected by bullet falloff mechanic now. Each weapon has its own range now before bullet damage starts to fall off. Values for this parsed out to the .weap files. Can be turned on/off.
New inventory items
Adrenaline M-2, Adrenaline M-3. Adrenaline M-4
Firing Range map removed. Replaced by Malta Firing Range.
-Pickup knife added
-Pickup knife added
Boss1 (Olaric):
-Pit is blocked out now. You cant return.
-Ammo/health pickups added to the arena.
-Map theme is changed to winter one to match previous outdoors level - village1.
-Out of bounds area detailed.
-Visual improvements.
-End cutscene camera fov is reduced to conceal BJ's broken arm.
-You no longer need to pick up Snooper Rifle. It will be given to you in one of the loadouts from the start.
-2 secret areas from Tides of War port added.
-Visual improvements.
-Visual reference to SFM level added.
Boss2 (Uber Soldier):
-Boss fight arena overhaul.
-Visual improvements.
-Uber soldat tesla range reduced specifically for boss2 map.
-Scoped weapons recoil calculation overhaul. Generally it was reduced.
-Player can only scope-in if his speed is lower than 128
-Mauser rifle damage decreased
-MP44 fire rate decreased
-Pistols damage decreased
-MGs can now headshot
-Scoped FG42 fire rate is now equal to the unscoped FG42
-Lopers recieve increased damage from Venom
-Panzerfaust splash radius and damage greatly increased when its used by the player. Also added bigger visible splash effect.
-Foliage tech from Enemy Territory (r_drawfoliage)
-Renderer2 removed
-x86 binaries removed for good
-Crouch toogle bind
-Bobbing effect for sprinting
-Ammo and Health cabinets functionality
-AAS warning removed
-Bouncing sound effect added for all weapons. It will play when dropped item touches the ground
-Added unique switch sound for knife
-Static MG spread and damage values are now parsed out of the code into dummy_mg42.weap file
-Eject brass models replaced with HD ones
-Objective complete message is now fading away by itself
-Game saved\Checkpoint passed and pickup weapon strings screen placement reorganized
-TT33 can now be dual wielded
-Fall damage no longer affects armor
-Snooper reticle from Venom mod added
-Picking up panzerfaust ammo will now actually give player panzerfaust if he doesnt have one
-Crosshair names added for friendly NPCs
-Added brass eject delay for some weapons (bolt-action,panzerfaust,pump action) to match the actual animation
-Added brass eject effect for shotguns
-New weapons and holdable items icons
-New 4k Crosshairs added
-Crosshairs and holdable items selector is re-enabled in no hud and nightmare modes.
-Knife and Dagger crosshairs now properly affected by cg_drawcrosshair
-cg_crosshairhealth restored (TODO add this to the menu)
-femzombie body texture transparency
-Dog idle animation is now properly looped
-w3d_sec missing table model restored
-end level twitchy heinrich fix
-Selected inventory items now persist through levels
-Fade in/out effect no longer causes fps drops
-Fixed brandy item resetting health in 999 mode
-Rain drop effect no longer causes flames and telsa coils to dissappear
-Players ammo will never go to 999 if the script value is over the cap
-AI is no longer affected by specific reloads (shotguns,m1941). They can properly operate shotguns now.
Subtitles improvements:
-Subtitles print timings are vastly improved.
-Ignored subtitles will never print and mess with actual subtitles.
-Subtitles shadow effect removed.
-Subtitles size CVAR (cg_subtitlesize) added.
-Automatic string over the limit carry over added. No need to manually start new string in subtitle.txt.
Russian Translation:
-Fonts were partially (aside from clipboard fonts) replaced with better ones
-Fonts were upscaled
-RealRTCW 5.0 stuff were translated
Get Psyched! 🔥💪
Hell yessss
Great again.
I'm overwhelmed in excitement!!!!
F#ck off Kessler, where is my Thompson?!
Awesome! 10/10
One question
RealRTCW don't need "renderer_sp_rend2_x64.dll" anymore!?
After exiting the Chateau I got the following error message:
AICast_ScriptPrase(), Error (line 5125): '}' expected, end of script not found.
fixed, reuploading now
should be good now
Can´t find any other weapon than mp40, k98 where are mp44, mg43 etc?
Keep playing
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144 but no 120 FPS cap, i always use 120 please add to the list, thanks for all.
tons of bugs ....
Go ahead
Karl Villigut is bugging out and he won't let us into the room for armor sten.
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I really appreciate the work you put into this. It's amazing!! There is one gripe I have with this mod and that is the hub world. It slows down the games pacing so much. Is it possible to make it optional in the menu?
x86 ?
I just installed the mod, and I'm having major visual glitches in the main menu. I haven't got past them to play the game yet. The cursor has a flickering trail behind it, the background is heavily pixelated, menu items stack on top of each other so they're practically unreadable etc. What could be causing this?
WolfETPlayer thank you so much for the mod, it breathed a second life into RTCW. Please tell me whether this version of RealRTCW will be adapted to addons from the workshop? I had a problem with MG42 textures in Trodheim Trilogy Special forces
the new version crash during quickload of the saved game 4.0 were also act the same way till it updated and it stop crashes maybe need to fix this version 5.0 also a bit more , very good mod thank you so much i love wolfenstein <3
When I use the sniper scope, the game crash without any error message.
Now solved. I delete z_zzzzvanilla.pk3 from main folder
Absolutely game-changing mod! A friend has suggested me this, but I didn't spoil myself about it, until I finally got it working (with the GOG build) and after playing the first level in vanilla, and seeing this, was jaw-dropping!
P.S. Any way to Aim Down Sights, please? I'm kinda blind xD
Sorry I commented without being logged in!
Thank you for the kinds words.
No plans for the ADS, for now.
No worries, at least the sniper rifles have it :)
I'm having another pickle now, did you completely remove the ability to see out mission stats? i.e Secrets Found 0/5
I watched a youtube video where you could view them in your journal and it would show at the end of each mission.
Looking for the secrets is the best thing, please tell me there's a way to view the stats!
Здравствуйте. Как установить? Очень странно, когда эта информация не появляется сразу.
Всё написано в архиве.
copy the content of this folder into rtcw root directory
Скопировал содержимое в папку rtcw 4.0 , и моментально выкидывает при запуске.
А зачем устанавливать 5.0 поверх 4.0?
I got a genuine question, Could you create a addon or so that allows for the original skins of the Ai and characters?, or maybe skins like out of the Venom mod?
WolfETPlayer thank you so much for the mod, it breathed a second life into RTCW. Please tell me whether this version of RealRTCW will be adapted to addons from the workshop? I had a problem with MG42 textures in Trodheim Trilogy Special forces
This is an excellent and very welcome update. I have started playing it again and its looks even better than before. Im sure that the notes and the buttons are in a higher definition than when i last played it. I wondered if anybody could answer this for me. I wanted to try and bind a cheat to a key such as /give all. With other games using the same engine (im thinking of jedi outcast) Ive been able to do this by typing the following bind "k" "force_protect;force_absorb" . as you can see i can bind multiples to one key but it doesnt seem to work in Wolfenstein. Does anybody have the right syntax to use or know even if it possible ? thank you
In Enemy Territory was a suppressed variant of the kar98k, do you plan on adding it to RealRTCW?
Is this a standalone mod? or do i have to install base game first and then mod on top?
Hey guys is their a way to get the additional weapon pack without steam where we can still send you money I got this for GOG.
i seen an old video of this mod from 2019 where there was a video showcasing aiming down sites..but it dose not seem to be in this come its not implemented?
How do I install this???
Где автомат томсона , где пулемет
Почему на арене где Хельгу убить нельзя спрятаться в любимую нору ??
The only reason I am still installing and playing RTTCW is because of this mod. I am following this mod for years and the changes each time were are tremendous. Especially the latest updates with overhauled weapons and gameplay making the experience even more amazing than ever before on this classic title.
Is hardcore proof that when there is still love and care for the game people can create incredible mods. I give my thanks to the developers of the mod and also to the people who helped them.
Now if you will excuse me, I would like to get Get Psyched !!!
Thank you for your ongoing support through the years!
Хелп !!
Мод Time Gate
Вторая дверь неоткрываеться !!!
Перезапускал игру и начинал с последнего CheckPoint
Данила, ай нид хелп
Was wollen wir trinken, sieben Tage lang,
was wollen wir trinken, so ein Durst.
Was wollen wir trinken, sieben Tage lang,
was wollen wir trinken, so ein Durst.
Es wird genug für alle sein,
wir trinken zusammen, roll das Faß mal rein,
wir trinken zusammen, nicht allein.
Es wird genug für alle sein,
wir trinken zusammen, roll das Faß mal rein,
wir trinken zusammen, nicht allein.
Dann wollen wir schaffen , sieben Tage lang,
dann wollen wir schaffen, komm faß an.
Dann wollen wir schaffen , sieben Tage lang,
dann wollen wir schaffen, komm faß an.
Und das wird keine Plackerei,
wir schaffen zusammen, sieben Tage lang,
ja, schaffen zusammen, nicht allein.
Und das wird keine Plackerei,
wir schaffen zusammen, sieben Tage lang,
ja, schaffen zusammen, nicht allein.
Dann wollen wir streiten sieben Tage lang.
für das Recht und unser Land.
Dann wollen wir streiten sieben Tage lang.
für das Recht und unser Land.
Dann kriegt der Frust uns nicht mehr klein
wir halten zusammen keiner kämpft allein
wir gehen zusammen nicht allein
Dann kriegt der Frust uns nicht mehr klein
wir halten zusammen keiner kämpft allein
wir gehen zusammen nicht allein.
Wenn die Soldaten
durch die Stadt marschieren,
Offnen die Madchen
die Fenster und die Turen.
Ei warum? Ei darum!
Ei warum? Ei darum!
Ei blo? wegen dem
Ei blo? wegen dem
Zweifarben Tucher,
Schnauzbart und Sterne
Herzen und kussen
Die Madchen so gerne.
Eine Flasche Rotwein
Und ein Stuckchen Braten
Schenken die Madchen
Ihren Soldaten.
Wenn im Felde blitzen
Bomben und Granaten,
Weinen die Madchen
Um ihre Soldaten.
Kommen die Soldaten
Wieder in die Heimat,
Sind ihre Madchen
Alle schon verheirat'.
I'm trying to get sv_cheats to work and I can't seem to. I've got the GOG version and I have tried adding various sv_cheats to the target in the shortcut and tried loading a saved game but it still always says "cheats are not enabled on this server" is there any way to get them working?
А мне похую
Я стою на ветерке
С толстой шишкою в руке
Отчего стоит она
Не пойму я нихрена
А мне похую, хуй стоит и я стою
А мне похую, хуй стоит и я стою
Может, я увидел сон
А во сне работал он
Может, там кого ебал
Или, сука, просто встал
Вот нас вместе с елдаком
Обвевает ветерком
И его, япона мать
Не согнуть и не сломать
У меня болезнь зоофилия.
Меня очень тянет на собак.
Бросила меня девчонка Лия
И сказала то, что я мудак.
Я ебу собак, всегда готов
Сразу трахнуть несколько котов.
Да, я зоофил, не говори.
Лучше мне собачку подари!
Я ебу собак, всегда готов
Сразу трахнуть несколько котов.
Да, я зоофил, не говори.
Лучше мне собачку подари!
Мне собачку трахнуть утром мало.
Надо утром вечером и днём.
У меня вчера змея сосала,
А сегодня я ебусь с ежом!
Я ебу собак, всегда готов
Сразу трахнуть несколько котов.
Да, я зоофил, не .
Лучше мне собачку подари!
Я ебу собак, всегда готов
Сразу трахнуть несколько котов.
Да, я зоофил, не говори.
Лучше мне собачку подари!
Мама принесла вчера котёнка.
На ночь я его к себе забрал.
Положил котёнка на пелёнку,
Сразу во все дыры отъебал!
Я ебу собак, всегда готов
Сразу трахнуть несколько котов.
Да, я зоофил, не говори.
Лучше мне собачку подари!
Я ебу собак, всегда готов
Сразу трахнуть несколько котов.
Да, я зоофил, не говори.
Лучше мне собачку подари!
Лучше мне собачку подари!
Лучше мне собачку подари!
Лучше мне собачку подари!
Из-за леса выезжает
Конная милиция.
Становись-ка девки pаком -
Бyдет pепетиция!
Я пpиехала в колхоз
Имени Мичypина.
Так и знала отхебyт
Словно сеpдце чyяло!
Мимо тёщиного дома
Я без шyток не хожy.
То им хеp в забоp пpосyнy,
То им жопy покажy!
Я на Севеpе была
Золото копала.
Если б не моя пизда,
С голодy пpопала!
О-па, о-па, зелёная огpада,
Девки выебли попа - так емy и надо!
Hа мостy стоял пpохожий
Hа ебёнy мать похожий.
Вдpyг откyда ни возьмись
Появился в pот ебись!
Полюбила паpня я,
Да оказался без хyя.
Да на хyя ж мне без хyя,
Когда с хyем до хyя!
Как y нас на мокушке
Соловей ебет кyкyшкy.
Только слышно на сyкy:
"Чиpик, пиздык, хyяк, кy-кy!"
Мы с милёнком y метpа
Целовались до yтpа.
Целовались бы ещё,
Да болит влагалищо!
О-па, о-па, зелёная огpада,
Девки выебли попа - так емy и надо!
А девки в озеpе кyпались,
Хyй pезиновый нашли.
Целый день они ебались,
Даже в школy не пошли!
Мой милёнок под забоpом
Хyй беpёзовый нашёл.
Пpимеpяли всем наpодом -
Hикомy не подошёл!
А из-за леса из-за гоp
Показал мyжик топоp.
Hо не пpосто показал:
Его к хyю пpивязал!
Мы с милёнком целовались,
Стоя y завалинки.
А я стояла и ссала
Емy на белы валенки!
О-па, о-па, сpослась пизда и жопа!
Этого не может быть - пpомежyток должен быть!
А Маньке целочкy поpвали,
Санькy в жопy выебли.
Опосля в pояль насpали -
Чyдно вpемя пpовели!
Мы с милёночком еблись
В соpокогpадyсный моpоз.
Жопа инеем покpылась,
Хyй стоял, как Дед Моpоз!
Hа Вогpэсовском мостy
Цеpковь обокpали.
В жопy выебли попа
И в колокол насpали!
Я сосала давеча
У Сеpгея Савича.
Он на вид холёненький,
А на вкyс солёненький!
О-па, о-па, зелёная огpада,
Девки выебли попа - так емy и надо!
Помидоpы, помидоpы,
Помидоpы, овощи.
Пизда едет на кобыле,
Хyй на скоpой помощи!
Полюбила хyйебина
И повесила поpтpет.
А на yтpо поглядела:
Хyй висит, а бина нет!
Мы с пpиятелем вдвоём
Работали на дизеле.
Он лопyх, и я лопyх:
У нас теплyшкy спиздили!
Полюбила тpактоpиста
И, как водится, дала.
Тpи недели сиськи мыла
И соляpкою ссала!
О-па, о-па, зелёная огpада,
Девки выебли попа - так емy и надо!
Мне подpyга доpогая пеpдаёт по pации:
"Я без "Комбинации", как без менстpyации!"
Awesome work thanks, I love this game!!
I just noticed when I copied over the v5 files that the wall textures got blurry, so then I reverted the following file to my previous version - "/realrtcw5.0.7\!copy the content of this folder into rtcw root directory\Main\z_realrtcw_textures.pk3"
So maybe this could be updated in the v5 pack, thanks!