Over two hundred years have passed since the Viking Age of Britain portrayed in Viking Invasion II, and the Dark Ages are coming to an end. Norman Invasion starts in the year AD 1066. William, Duke of Normandy, has landed his troops at Pevensey bay and King Harold II of England has just arrived at Hastings, fresh from victory at Stamford Bridge, to hurl the Normans back into the English Channel.
As the player you can choose to take up the Fighting Man banner of Harold and defend your shores against the Norman dogs, or you can - if you really feel the need! - take up the Papal Banner of William "le Batard" and put the English firmly under the Norman yoke. You can also play as one of the three minor factions - the Welsh, Norse or Scots.
Some of the new features of Norman Invasion include:
Greetings fans and supporters of Fourth Age: Total War. It is October now, and as winter approaches, so does the release of The Dominion of Men, the newest iteration of our mod.
Beta testing for The Dominion of Men has been initiated, and the final release draws near. We are currently testing the major factions, and a second round will follow for the minor factions.
Thank you for your constant support.
Norman Invasion (1.4) featured as one of 3 mods for the "Let's Play" series of Rome: Total War mods by Infernocanuck (YouTube). Currently 12 videos (more...
This final version of Norman Invasion addresses all issues with 1.3 we are aware of and includes several tweaks and improvements, the most important of...
What‘s the “marcher lordship” mean?And,Willian was landed on 1066 Festival ,not in Summer.
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950 years ago today :)
In the battle of Hastings in the first turn a housecarl unit snuck around my flank without me noticing and was about to attack my monks and archers so I charged my generals cavalry (Guillieme) and poor William the Conqueror died in the charge :( Other than that awesome.
Let me at those Norman vermin!....looks like a good mod :)
Very nice mod
Hey, any idea how to get this to work with the rome total war - gold edition (includes barbarian invasion, but not as a separate file) on steam?
Please post all questions on TWCenter.net
I have steam do i still put it in the same place?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\rome total war gold