Imperial Community Project

Macedon Expansion. Том II - Сообщество Империал (

DEVELOPERS: - dear Dmitry and Olwork - Imperial forum.

Information from the Imperial community:
Unfortunately, all we are mortals. Not far time ago we lost Dmitry (Дмитрий), the greatest guy, very talented modmaker and the good man of our commuity. This topic we dedicate for his memory. This mod was and still his main child. His giant contribution not only for Imperial, but for the whole TW society.
Rest in peace, friend!

The "Macedon Expansion" modification (hereinafter simply ME) reflects a possible version of the development of the history of Antiquity in the period from 277 BC to 150 AD. The modification (hereinafter simply the mod) involves 21 standard factions, of which only two are unplayable (the Senate and the rebels), a system of 4 moves per year is implemented, the mod is completely in Russian.
The mod is designed in the style of the original game (color scheme and coloring of units). The main goal of the mod is to restore historical justice in relation to the Macedonian Kingdom and the Hellenic factions, eliminate the imbalance of the game in favor of the Roman factions and create opportunities for successful play for any of the available factions.

Main changes list:

  • Game balance - the system of strategic priorities of factions, the system of combat characteristics of units have been reworked, the economic scheme has been reworked, Sinuhet"s AI Battle Formations Version 7.0 has been implemented to improve the behavior of AI in tactical battles. A new system of victory conditions has been created for most factions. A system of hiring units depending on the region has been implemented.
  • The mod has made more than 200 changes to the skins and models of units, all factions have received new units, now each faction has at least 16 different types of military units (including the detachments of the generals" bodyguards). The game uses both numerous developments of the authors and the best models and skins from domestic and foreign mods, as well as some of their outstanding examples.
  • Peasants have been completely eliminated as a unit, the hiring of generals and mercenaries in cities has been introduced, new mercenaries have been added and their new distribution by hiring areas has been implemented.
  • New principle of faction unit composition - now each faction, in addition to regular units, has at least two elite units, which are especially strong and reliable.
  • Egypt has been Hellenized in accordance with historical realities, Hellenistic units have been added and many of the original fantasy troops of the New Kingdom have been removed.
    [*]The mod has its own installation file and is installed in a separate folder in the game folder, practically without interfering with playing the original game.
    [*]Many cosmetic improvements have been made to the game interface, for example, the splash screens at the bottom of the screen on the strategic and tactical map have been replaced.
    [*]The symbol of Macedonia has been replaced with the letter V (historically belonging to Sparta) with the historical symbol of the Macedonian kingdom - the sun.

  • Major changes in the latest patch (1.3):
    1. Two foreign mods have been added - Skymod and Realistic Trees mod.
    2. A new building has been introduced for all factions - the so-called "pre-barracks". Without it, all military buildings are not built. Such a building is at each level of construction, seriously changes the gameplay.
    3. Some new buildings have been added to various factions. For example, taverns have been added to the Thracians, ports to the Seleucids, etc.
    4. Some skins have been changed, some units have been added. For example, Parthia received an archer - cataphract.
    5. There are changes in the characteristics of units, descriptions have been corrected, etc.
    6. A new animation has been introduced for the Romans - fs_gladius.
    7. The first English version of the mod has been made in patch 1.3. eng.
    A more complete list of changes is in the patch description.

  • Main changes in patch 1.4 Final Christmas Edition (the most fresh version)
    1. New nature from Rome Surrectum 2.5.
    2. New barbarian walls from Europa Barborum - Oppida walls.
    3. New wall textures – Servian Wall Textures 1.0, Greek Wall Textures 1.0 and a model of the Roman tower on the strategic map - Watchtower Romana/Byzantine Project 1.0 by Davide.
    4. 46 new soldier and animal models and 296 new textures.
    5. New traits by Shaynar.
    6. Rebalance, changes to the recruitment system.

- Haktar - VIR - Kamelia - Varyag - Magic - Erick Rowdy, - Scarolung - SacredSPB - INDIGO

- Dick and AlxCruel (a lot of models) - Sinuhet - Monkwarrior - Nebuchadnessar - DimeBagHO

- AnastasioTheGreat - LAca - Riczu74 - Repman

For 1.4 version thanks to Lanjane, Dick, Alxcruel and Russian_Alexander


ME 1.4 Final CE ENG full

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ME 1.4 Final CE ENG full

ME 1.4 Final CE ENG full

Full Version 2 comments

English version of the 1.4 mod. Special for Eng-speaking players. Mod is mod-foldered.

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BagaturKhan - - 8,211 comments

Impressive project! Always was and always will be!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
ImperialCom Creator
ImperialCom - - 14 comments

Hello lads!
This mod page really must be here, in Moddb mods collection.
This wonderful project was created by very talented and kindhearted person of the Imperial forum - Dmitriy. Unfortunately, he is not with us now.
But his work will live forever.
Rest in peace, brother.

Macedon Expansion was always and will be the famous and coolest projects of our community.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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