Description from the Aral, main teamleader and project author:

I present to your attention an amateur modification (hereinafter simply - mod), created on the basis of the ageless computer game Rome - Total War: Barbarian Invision, which I called by the Greek word Hybris. Hybris (in Russian pronunciation - hubris) is an ethical concept meaning daring, provocative behavior towards the gods, which is inevitably followed by retribution from them - nemesis in Greek. The expansion of the meaning of the concept of hubris occurred already in Modern times and is associated with the historical and philosophical views of Arnold Toynbee, who believed that hubris underlies the actions of entire peoples and states, for example, in Hitler's actions to turn Germany into the Third Reich. It is in this context that the concept of hubris is used in this mod and is applied to the Athenian people during the period of their greatest rise in the Greek world, which eventually led to the Peloponnesian War - the largest and most destructive, the most total war of Greeks against Greeks, which ended, as is known, with the collapse of the Athenian Empire.

The current version of the mod covers the events of the great Peloponnesian War of 431-404 BC between two military-political blocs of states led by Athens and Sparta.
The player will have to lead one of the two opposing blocs and lead it to victory, establishing hegemony in the Greek world. Each bloc has its own characteristic features, its own pros and cons, which ultimately force the player to adhere to a certain strategy of waging war. Thus, the Athenian Maritime Union, uniting coastal cities with an intensive economy, flourishing crafts and active trade, complex social relations and a democratic system, represents the richest Greek state, having the strongest fleet in the game, but its leading position in the union is based on force and fear, which leads to discontent among the allies and constant rebellions.

The Peloponnesian Union, opposing the Athenian Union, although more amorphous, more heterogeneous in its composition, having much fewer resources, but having a first-class land army and, in addition, at a certain stage receiving Persian subsidies.

The third group of states that you can play for are neutral states. The author of the mod recommends playing the campaign for Argos. A sworn enemy of Sparta, he can, at the right moment, join the Athenian Maritime Union and create his own small empire with blackjack in the Peloponnese, and then challenge yesterday's ally. You can play for the Persian Empire and lead a new Persian invasion of Balkan Greece, rewriting the history of the Ancient World. Or you can play for Macedonia and, anticipating Philip II, unite the Greeks with iron and blood. However, the goal that the ruler of Macedonia faces in this troubled time is much more prosaic and consists in pursuing a flexible, sometimes treacherous, foreign policy, maneuvering between Athens and Sparta in order to prevent the invasion of the latter's troops into its territory.

Another task is to put an end to the separatism of the Upper Macedonian tribes once and for all, for which Macedonia vitally needs to secure an alliance and military assistance from either Athens or Sparta. In general, go for it! Everything is in your hands!

The events in the Hybris mod unfold on a huge - 400 by 357 pixels - map, which covers the territory of the Southern Balkans and the western part of Asia Minor and consists of 199 (or 198) provinces. All provinces have natural resources. In his work on the arrangement of resources, the author of the mod adhered to the principle of historical accuracy, for which he used special historical literature, in particular the work of N. Hammond "History of Greece", as well as the source: "Geography" by Strabo. In addition, the author was guided by a sense of beauty: he did not spare time to ensure that the resources were arranged picturesquely.

Mod team:

- Aral (main teamleader, idea, map, huge work), Neo (units)

- BagaturKhan (eng localization, community management)

Special thanks to:

The mod uses the work of teams from different mods – RSII(III)-team, Europa Barbarorum(I-II)-team, The Greek Wars-team, Hegemony City States-team, Paeninsula Italica-team and individual masters such as Morfeasnikos, dvk, Leoni, etc.
Huge thanks to comrades Saloth Sar, Imhotep, Hamilkar, Tvarmelkay, Hadrianus, Ext, SamaelBC and Lanjane for their help in working on the project!
Special thanks to comrade Haktar – the owner of the wonderful Imperial forum.
Special thanks to comrade Russian_Alexander – the creator of the wonderful mod Battle for Hellas: Rising of Macedony (BfH:RoM).

Download links:

[MOD] Hybris: основная тема - Сообщество Империал - main Imperial forum thread

Hybris Full

English localization
(also see the Files section to download translation)

For Rome TW Barbarian Invasion 1.6

Mod is still work in progress and author is doing his job.

Also this project has 2 lines of plot - Persian wars and then Polybian age.

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Hybris Total War trailer


What is Hybris, you can find in this small but very informative trailer by Kosss.

This mod is huge project about different periods - Greek -Persian wars and also about Polybian age. Cheers!

Hybris Total War video

By Kosss

Just see!

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Hybris Full

Hybris Full

Full Version

Hybris Total War full pack (russian version). Download and have fun. Its for Rome TW Barbarian Invasion 1.6.

Hybris TW English Localization

Hybris TW English Localization


English Localization of the Hybris Mod by BagaturKhan. Full and convenient eng-translation.

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mujo70 - - 453 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma 2 votes
Maz97 - - 78 comments

Awesome mod. One of the best Classical Greece mods for Rome TW.

Reply Good karma Bad karma 2 votes
BagaturKhan Creator
BagaturKhan - - 8,189 comments

Hi friends.
I am community manager of this mod. Now download links are under authorization.
Soon you all be able to download it and play.
Also this mod now has full ENG localization.

Thanks to all.


Reply Good karma 2 votes
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