Simply put, I am a programmer, when it comes to artwork or map creation, I'm not exactly what one would consider a professional. Most would agree that a game consisting of naught but programmer art wouldn't be a very nice looking one. Thus, if I am to continue working on the mod in the direction I wish to take it in, I'll need some artists and mappers to join the team. At present, the only map in the mod is a recreation of a Hotline Miami 2 map, generously sent to me by Zeberpal, and the only artwork in the game is from Hotline Miami itself (sans a few very specific things).
If you're new to making maps in Doom, but not making levels in general, then never fear! Level design in Doom is rather simple, yet very powerful. There are plenty of video tutorials available for mapping in Doom, and the vast majority are incredibly easy to follow. The map editor of choice for Hotline 666 is GZDoom Builder, a fork of Doom Builder 2 with a vast array of improvements and features. Luckily, all Doom Builder 2 tutorials should also apply to GZDoom Builder.
As for artwork, I'm primarily looking for artists that are able to create new mask artwork. For those not in the know, Hotline Miami features several "masks" that are obtainable throughout the game. Each mask grants the player different abilities for the duration of a level. As an example of art style, here is one of the masks (to be precise, the mask the player starts out with) from the game:
Eventually, I hope to have an entirely new set of masks in the game, all based on Doom's demons.
Although I'm primarily looking for artists and mappers for now, I'm a mere programmer, not a storyteller. While I can likely handle the story on my own, I'm very open to suggestions and ideas from the community.
That's all for now, folks!
The second public release of the mod. Contains a large amount of improvements over alpha 1.
Is this mod dead? I hope it isn't.
is this mod dead? I really want to play it in another version
Can't wait for this mod to be done, I'm loving the gameplay trailers.
Controls are super wonky; The cursor goes in different directions than I move my mouse?
The current public build is super old now, and probably full of bugs I never found originally. I assume what you've encountered is one of them.
The code was rewritten a while back, but I haven't had a lot of time to devote to the mod lately.
Can I remake this in an FPS style and release it? I'll give YOU the credit.
If you want to make a first-person Hotline Miami-inspired Doom mod, go right ahead! No need to ask me for permission or credit me, unless you use resources from my mod in your project.
Mod looks great! Only thing I don't really like is the aim. It's very awkward haha. But hey, it IS an early Alpha after all. Can't wait to see this mod grow
The current public build's pretty old. The aiming has changed ever so slightly since that build. It's now an actual 2D graphic on the screen rather than an object in the level, which does make it feel a little less awkward to use.
I'm currently in the process of rewriting the mod under ZScript, and once that's done I may post a newer build, we'll see.
please do not die
Fear not, I simply don't have a lot of time to work on the mod right now, I have my final exams coming up in two days, so I've been preparing for those
The mod will be back in action soon after I'm done with exams