Over the years, tours in the Arctic Sector have become more popular. The hunt for prehistoric mammals attracted an even more demanding public, who wants new species and more locations. To satisfy such a request, DinoHunt Corp. decided to carry out new research in this little-known region where a group of islands has recently been sighted to the east. So a team of scientists settled there, named those islands the “Polaris Archipelago” and reported sightings of unique megafauna as well as biome diversity. Remains of archaic settlements have also been found, proving that there was an ancient civilization in this part of the Arctic Region and supernatural events have been experienced around these ruins. After having received all this interesting data, Dinohunt Corp. decided to open the Boreal Isles tour to get new customers and make more profits.

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New Arctic Tour!

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Carnivores: Boreal Isles takes place in the Polaris Archipelago (an island chain located at east Arctic Sector of FMM UV-32 planet). These islands are home of prehistoric mammals - a unique megafauna, with different species than the previous "Ice Age" tour. There, DinoHunt Corp. saw the opportunity to open the "Boreal Isles" tour with the purpose of expanding its business.


Carnivores: Boreal Isles demo version has been released and it comes with the following features:

  • 2 ambient animals (Eohippus, Teratornis).
  • 7 huntable animals (Panochthus, Ancylotherium, Barbourofelis, Eremotherium, Phorusrhacos, Emboloteriy, Entelodon).
  • 2 weapons (Blaster Pistol, Semi-Auto Shotgun).
  • 1 map (Zdenek Alps).


The "Boreal isles" tour offers diverse species of prehistoric animals to hunt - large armadillos, giant ground sloths, huge carnivorous flightless birds and more. Each animal has its own behavior (they will react in different ways... whether it's running away, stalking you, or attacking you). Some species are cunning, faster, while others are slower but resistant.


Barbourofelis, the stealth predator of the Polaris Archipelago.


Embolotheriy, enormous and powerful animal whose footsteps

sound like a loud crack - hence it is called "Thunder Beast".


During the hunting, you will explore the first location available in the tour and it is named "Zdenek Alps" - a mysterious region with varied biomes: foggy areas, snowy mountains, hills, arid places, frozen taiga, river crossing a scattered forest and more!


Distant roars of an unknown beast can be heard in the Alpine areas, with the belief that it dwells in that cave among the snowy mountains. What's more, rumors of a lost hunter and some remain of an ancient civilization are part of this area.

ground fissure

Control your steps... or you may get stuck in a pit.


DinoHunt Corp. offers weapons similar to the previous tour but improved to be more effective on hunts. Two weapons are available for now: Blaster Pistol and Semi-Auto Shotgun (both weapons are ideal to start with). The blaster pistol is a rapid-firing gun that shoots lethal bolts, not too loud but it doesn't cause much harm to large animals. On the other hand, the Semi-Auto Shotgun provides a lot of
firepower at close range and is very effective for urgent situations. However, its high shot
spread may miss distant targets.

Blaster Pistol

Equiping the Blaster Pistol to hunt Phorusrhacos, a large carnivorous flightless bird.

Semi Auto Shotgun

In use of a Semi-Auto Shotgun to take down the Ancylotherium.


Each animal has its own way of acting, so you should observe its behavior first. Devise a hunting tactic based on the species you choose to hunt, or you will be savagely wiped out.


Here an unfortunate hunter is killed by the Entelodon... Could you be next?

RSS Files
Carnivores: Boreal Isles - DEMO

Carnivores: Boreal Isles - DEMO

Demo 8 comments

The demo version of Carnivores: Boreal Isles is out now!

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 63)
Venator325 - - 129 comments

Officier, I swear there was that thing that looked like a Deinotherium

Reply Good karma Bad karma 1 vote
ThePoacherBoy01 - - 21 comments

When will you post the next release?

Reply Good karma Bad karma 2 votes
Tormer Creator
Tormer - - 560 comments

I am still working on the new assets. So I can't confirm a new release soon.

Reply Good karma 2 votes
I.T.F - - 268 comments

I hope new maps come

Reply Good karma Bad karma 2 votes
Tormer Creator
Tormer - - 560 comments

Yes, they will!

Reply Good karma 1 vote
I.T.F - - 268 comments

Would be interesting if you post some add-ons for the future versions

Reply Good karma Bad karma 1 vote
Tormer Creator
Tormer - - 560 comments

Sure!I will post new assets when they're finished.

Reply Good karma 2 votes
Pidou0242 - - 25 comments

Do you have an idea of ​​the release date of version 1.0?

Reply Good karma Bad karma 2 votes
Tormer Creator
Tormer - - 560 comments

I could release an Alpha version this month, or the next ones (June, July or August).

Reply Good karma 1 vote
Pidou0242 - - 25 comments

I advise you to double the quantity of ammunition, like in Carnivores Legacy

Reply Good karma Bad karma 2 votes
Tormer Creator
Tormer - - 560 comments

Yes, it will be added to the mod (probably in the final version, where more animals will spawn in the maps randomly).

Reply Good karma 1 vote
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