J"oubliais qu"on pouvait parlait français haha !
Voici un snow scout trooper :
J"oubliais qu"on pouvait parlait français haha !
Voici un snow scout trooper :
Oh Jesus, they"re awesomes ! I really enjoy the left guy (the navy blue camo) !
I hope here is a snow version.
Super !
J"espère qu"une version arrivera vite car du coup à par regarder des vidéos sur YouTube je n"ai pas accès au mod haha x) !
Tu sais, quand je vois que dans Battlefront ils disent "marcheurs AT-AT"...
Oh super, je regarde beaucoup DiplexHeated sur YouTube faire des vidéos de GaW. J"ai vraiment hâte de pouvoir le télécharger, tu fais un super travail !
Je parlais des chars d"assaut de l"Empire, après je n"ai pas fait attention pour les TB-TT (enfin quelqu"un qui ne dit pas AT-AT). On entend un bruit de chenilles.
Nice but.. we ear a real tank sound when hover tanks come.. ^^
I hate this rebel vehicle, I find it ugly.. but nice work
Impatient to try this !
Ow ow ow yeah, I like theses guys !
Dear dev team, I"m a huge fan of your mod, but I have a request... I"m a very huge fan of the Thrawn era and the Grand Admiral Thrawn, he is my favourite character in the Expanded Universe, and I was really happy when I see the Interdictor SD was confirmed. But.. you wont add the Grand Admiral to the mod ? Please add him ! He was in the original game.. your work with textures and models is awesome, I think your remake of the character could be very nice ! Maybe you can include him like a fleet officer or maybe like a hero ? In my eyes your mod is the best way to rebirth this excellent game with awesome graphics and possibilities.
Thanks you for reading, I hope to see an answer. I have some other questions I will ask to you if you have the time, cordially.
Nice.. but the propellers are really ugly
+1, I agree, 1 or 4, not the two others :p
He"s better and more balanced (it"s an infantry tranport, not a gunship with bazookas). I like this little guy and really impatient to see him in game :) !
A planet with jungle warfare in the swamp
Nice ! Have you watched the movie World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles ?
Very nice to read that :) !
It will be a story about the Cold War ?
Interesting, because you can do alot of things with this mod. If you need help for create the "story" of an eventual campaign mod, maybe can I help you :)
I like them, I hope you will make a campaign with each factons and see this kind of uncommon unit/buildings !
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