Gemäß einer Studie einer Englischen Universität ist es nicht wichtig, in welcher Reihenfolge die Buchstaben in eneim Wrot snid, das ezniige was wcthiig ist, ist, dass der estre und der leztte Bstabchue an der ritihcegn Pstoiion snid. Der Rset knan ein ttoaelr Bsinöldn sien, tedztorm knan man ihn onhe Pemoblre lseen.D1353 M1TT31LUNG Z31GT D1R, ZU W3LCH3N GRO554RT1G3N L315TUNG3N UN53R G3H1RN F43H1G 15T! 4M 4NF4NG W4R 35 51CH3R NOCH 5CHW3R, D45 ZU L353N, 483R...M1TTL3W31L3 K4NN5T DU D45 W4HR5CH31NL1ICH 5CHON G4NZ GUT L353N, OHN3 D455 35 D1CH W1RKL1CH 4N5TR3NGT. D45 L315T3T D31N G3H1RN M1T 531N3R 3NORM3N L3RNF43HIGKEIT. 8331NDRUCK3ND, OD3R?
M82 Barrett light fifty H&K21 German 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun!
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing was founded by Ronnie Barrett for the sole purpose of building semi-automatic rifles chambered for the powerful 12.7×99mm NATO (.50 BMG) ammunition, originally developed for and used in M2 Browning machine guns. Barrett began his work in the early 1980s and the first working rifles were available in 1982, hence the designation M82. Barrett designed every single part of the weapon personally and then went on to market the weapon and mass produce it out of his own pocket. He continued to develop his rifle through the 1980s, and developed the improved M82A1 rifle by 1986.
The HK21 has a heavy, quick-change barrel fitted with a slotted flash suppressor and adjustable iron sights with a hooded foresight and an aperture rear sight adjustable from 100 through 1200 m in 100 m increments. By simply swapping out several components such as the barrel, bolt and feed unit, the weapon can be quickly converted to the intermediate 7.62x39mm and 5.56x45mm calibers.