Singleplayer RPGs, mushy romance sub-plots... I want them all.
I don"t blog here, I blog over there. I play games and make mods and write stuff about these things, because nobody talks to me about them in real life and I just have to spout my ill-concieved and uninformed opinions.
Check it out!
Welcome to the "Single Player Modders Group". This group is for developers or anyone who wants to add their single player content to the group. If it...
Love Deus Ex? Of course you do! Delve deeper into the world of conspiracies and revel the glorious Deus Ex series. So, join us!
Are you a 3D artist? Are you looking for some inspiration? Do you just want to collaborate or know who your fellow ModDB artists are? Doesn"t matter what...
A group for anti-social compulsive types. Lone Modders do it alone!
Greetings fella Hiveworkshoper :)
Hey RaoDaoZao :D