So i played your mod, and had some issues setting it up(been a while I didn"t play any doom 3 mod on the vanilla d3), but all sorted out. A tip though, if you want you could set r_setvideomode -1 for any res I think, because the options will cause it to play in 640 x 480 in here at least. So to the mod. I was very impressed with detail level and voice acting which is pretty much the best so far ive seen in any doom 3 mod, including mapping and everything else. Altough ep 2 was harder and the pain elemental were scaray enough, Ive had it with all the imps everywhere, they are more annoying than anything else. Even then this was the oldschool premise of the mod, so that fits in with the theme. The best really is that it run on my toaster of a computer with a 14 years old CPU and windows 7 even with decent resolutions (as far as decent can go in this thing), even some AA. idtech 4 proved that still kicks *** and, despite the lack of the deuteragonist model (heck it"s a pain to map but atleast you get to see her in the videoscreens, if they"re the same person in Mars and back on Earth ?) so yea, like some people said looking forward to ep3 anytime. You could make it paid even and I think people would buy it.
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