« L'homme c'est rien — l'oeuvre c'est tout. » Je suis né et je vis à Babylone, là où les enfants tuent, dealent et volent...
In other words, some of the pitfalls of game development. As an addendum to the previous blog post: Moddb.com
Underestimating quantity
Quantity builds up quality. What is the difference between a quality mesh and a poorly made, blocky mesh? (Unintentionally low quality, not purposely lowpoly art, naturally!) The number of polygons. Yes, the number itself, not just the way the mesh is made. What is the real difference between a replayable game and a game that you can finish just once or that game you don't even want to finish just once? The number of possibilities, storyline or gameplay branches, numbers of enemies, levels, secrets, achievements... and more. (More, as in other things contribute to that irreplayability. Bad controls for example. Who can play a game with nasty controls for more than a few minutes? Only masochists or extreme e-sport fans, mayhap?)
So. Why play an unreplayable game?
Quantity makes up quality. Quite a chunk of indie developers choose to completely ignore that fact, and use that "quality over quantity" clichéd mantra as an excuse to avoid going an extra mile to give their own playerbase more content. The capitalistic "less is more" motto is extremely hostile to your players, and they can feel it when their money does not exactly equal purchased value. Aye, "less is more" is a good thing when you think about bugs and needless feature creep, YET it is truly something terrible when you consider cutting the number of levels, enemies, factions, perks, bosses, useful features, and so on. "Less is less" then, not "less is more". Gamerskind, pretty much like a Zerg hive mind, can feel someone is messing with them by giving them less content than planned or promised.
Too long indie GDDs never served anyone too well. Immensely important to know your limits, yes... immensely important to go an extra mile, however, too...
Giving up only after one failure and treating game development more like a hobby, not a real job
Game development is a job, you are supposed to continue developing games, not naively believe that your first game will be a huge hit. Stopping at just one single game is, well, preposterous. Continuing to make them, that should be the real purpose. Gamers hate developers who are only into it for money instead of being in it for both funds and passion. Real passion does not burn out after one failed game. Also to note, relying only on motivation may end badly. Game development, just like any other artistic activity, is like a fight, there is no good or bad mood for it, you have to push and continue it even when you dislike it.
Never give up if you really want to be a game developer.
Completely and totally ignoring the community's opinion while pretending to listen to feedback
Developers just like artists of any kind have the ultimate right to not give a damn about any players' opinions just like painters are free to ignore any suggestions made by their gallery viewers, freedom of creativity and all that jazz after all, but some issues may prove downright dangerous to ignore. Difficulty is one of them. Leaving critical bugs, scratch that off, no, many devs care about critical bugs, leaving less essential yet still annoying bugs as they are tends to be dangerous as well, just in the long run not the short run. Gamers can remember or recall better a company with bad reputation than the one with good one. Aaaaand to quote a certain artist, "Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle". (Even when total pedantic perfectionism seems to be a bad idea too!)
Dishonest or only half-honest alpha and beta testers
Horrifying lack of objective, third party testers that can give you an honest opinion about your game. Just a couple of indie devs (and many more than a bunch of modders) feel insulted when someone constructively criticises their work, never realising that sometimes criticism is a blessing, especially when taken professionally, not personally. The above freedom of artistic expression blah blah still remains valid though, as an artist, nobody can compel you to do or make anything, it is simply safer to avoid implementing sucky things, you see, and criticism is supposed to weed out those sucky things... you see... criticism should always be valued. (Not just valued. Valued as in listened to.)
Letting your team members slack off
Projects either stagnate and die if left undeveloped for too long, or they are of less quality when shelved out for players. Unforgiving passage of time and the recidivist advent of new technology relentlessly beats crap out of those who dare to lag behind, too. Either way, if you let your team members do nothing for the project and you do not set an example by doing something of note (leader's example) or with your wallet (employer's example), then sorry, lions led by a sheep will get nowhere, and if your team members just laze around and only attend dev meetings, you can say goodbye to your dream game.
Treating alphafund/early access games as "released" games and thus requiring less attention
This is what plagued most alpha-funded games available on Steam's (ok, Valve's) Early Access. They were nuked by the community because developers suddenly found out how public pressure bores intolerably into them, barring them from further progress. So they just stick a "mission accomplished" and "not early access anymore" status on the game, when it did not even go through the beta phase properly. Remedy? If you care about reviews, you would have to take down your store page, and relaunch it when you are ready to roll out new updates polishing whatever needs polishing and fixing whatever needs fixing. Another way, while keeping the store page up, is to tie yourself to the chair, lock the door, severe the connection to the internet... no, not in that order... just to do one thing: to bear with external "fan" pressure that you (successfully) blocked out in the end i.e. started developing desperately needed updates for your game instead of hiding under the table away from the overly loud thunder of community.
Do you enjoy playing your own game? Do you REALLY enjoy playing your own game?
Take a step back. How does your game look? How does it play? Turn off cameras to stop recording gameplay, and play it purely for your enjoyment, just for a long while, not for youtubers, just for yourself. Did you truly enjoy the game? Most relatively bad games are born that way because that kind of developers fly through the game and play it solely as its developers and never or rarely care to play it as a bit more demanding gamers. How many hours can you play your game before you had enough?...
... you can expect most of your players to play at least around 1/8, 1/4 of that amount, depending on the game content, replayability and dynamic or key mechanics of your game.
For fans of indie games and hardcore indie gamers, no matter whether these indies are commercial or freeware/opensource. This hub used for many indie...
This group contains a lot of stuff of the C&C community. Mod news, game screen shots and C&C humor(funny c&c moments). Join us if your a great fan of...
A group dedicated to indie and standalone game development.
A group for all ModDB and IndieDB fans of science fiction.
Dear visitors, we are proudly present the newest C&C community site: C&C Society. C&C Society is created as a community site that will focus on C&C Universums...
For fans of C&C, BFME and Dune games, plus every game using one of the universes as its battleground.
Revora is a gathering place for all kinds of projects (gaming related and other), such as game modifications and artistic portfolios, for which we provide...
Group for all the RTS fans out there. Keep track of upcoming RTS games, or relive the old ones.
So..dude? Will you learn Generals ZH? [Say yes]
I'm learning modelling, you know. :-D
Derelictstudios.net <- but here for a newbie like me I don't have so many details what to do, so I'm stuck somewhere in the middle of tutorial.
Get 3ds max. [PM me in how to]
Them go to grans and get ruby's modelling tut. ;)
I found Ruby's tut, but I can't view the doc yet. x-D If I get the time, I look at the tut and the rest. :-)
Hey, I saw your ASM mod, and I was surprised and excited by the sheer awesomeness! I was originally working on a mod (not on moddb) which involved realism as well, before my game got critical errors. Therefore, I would like to share some of the idea's I had cooked up, so they wont be lost in a void.
- Make GI's more expensive and make them able to fire on aircraft in deployed mode (with some inaccuracy) was one of my main ideas, so the allies would have AAinfantry as well.
- Include Light Tank (I'd be surprised if you hadn't yet)
- switch the lightning and the nuke from sides, since america has about 40000 stored away, and soviet has tesla coils
- higher inaccuracy with rookie units. only at elite they should always hit.
-higher shell speed, higher lethality to infantry
-include the hidden IFV turrets
you've already implemented much of my ideas so it isn't much, but I think it'd be awesome. Good luck with your mod!
Wow, I've even considered all infantry to be able to swim, but engine doesn't support limited swimming abilities, i.e. some infantry would swim shorter and some longer than others.
I've used up my free slots for vehicles, so making more (like light tanks) can bring critical errors. ;-)
Thanks. :-)
okay well, it seems like you've put more time into it then I thought xD I didn't even know there was a vehicle limit :P
I'll do some extra research on single-player maps (campaign maps) because adding triggers is still quite hard. I'll also make you some mod exclusive multiplayer maps, as I have some in stock and I think they're nice (I just couldn't play them, of course)
I am getting a new hard drive soon too, so maybe installing it on a fresh hard drive will make YR work again so that I can test the campaign maps I make myself :)
Yes, there was... there is still. :-) Maybe NPatch fixed that, dunno.
Okay, we'll keep in touch, I hope. ;-)
As for multiplayer maps, they all can be public. I mean only campaign maps should be exclusive. It doesn't mean that there cannot be multiplayer version(s) of the singleplayer campaign maps. :-)
I'd like have almost all in ASM free to get in the end, 'cause I've used so many public voxels, and so on. It's high time I gave something back.
Any limitations to the campaign? (minimum/maximum amount of missions, several plot elements, how drastically the ASM units are being used, which faction it should be based on (for example 3 mini campaigns, 1 per faction, of 3 missions could be done, or a campaign where you are any of the factions and have to play through a storyline, battling new units along the way), if there are "strike team missions" (missions without bases and only a few units, that can gather new units along the way) or "forward base" missions (missions without base building capabilities, but with unit producing facilities and eventually harvesters (or crates with money))).
I will include multiplayer versions of the maps ^^ I'm gonna make a map first, save with multiplayer elements, and then tweak it with units and triggers, to make a single player mission out of it.
P.S. you really don't have to give me that much information as described, but it would help to make it better like you meant to.
P.P.S but could I still include my "multiplayer maps in stock"? I think they'll get more attention with this mod then on their own.
Yes, yes, you can include "multiplayer maps in stock". ;-)
I'd better check the campaign limitations, because at the moment I don't know exactly how many missions could be possible.
AFAIK, there can be only 2 campaigns in Yuri's Revenge (3 with a tutorial in RA2 w/o YR x-pack). So we're limited to 2 campaigns, not 3, unfortunately.
Probably fans of Yuri's Revenge were disappointed that they couldn't play a Yuri's campaign. So Yuri's specific missions are a must. :-)
And if limitations let us, the other campaign should be for both Soviets & Allies, but not together (as allies), just bunched together/mixed up missions (or a half of the campaign for missions of Allies, the other half for Soviets).
All kinds of missions are allowed - the more varied, the better.
I think that new units/buildings etc. should be featured much, used extensively (but not abused). :-) Especially in, as you say/call it, "strike team missions". :-)
PS These "strike team missions" can be easily turned into base building missions, so they aren't a problem. You can use what you've chosen. :-) Only I should check mission limit for each campaign, so we'd avoid nasty suprises.
PPS Moddb.com <- it may be used as an inspiration to make Yuri's campaign. ;-)
I just got an awesome idea to make Yuri's first mission a "strike team" stealth mission where you have to take over scientist's minds to get to know about a mind uplink without your Yuri's being slaughtered (put yuri spies in the power plants) and maybe, if i succeed in making the scientist to not be attacked after his mind is taken over, no combat at all. (maybe instant change to a civilian when you take over his mind).
a bit like the soviet "red fox" mission where you take over the president's mind.
well, technically it's your idea as it's based on your story XD
An awesome idea (and technically it's completely your idea basing on my story ;-))! Only the commander could take over a scientist by far mind-controlling Yuri Lieutenant, then not transport him to Yuri's base, but rather to the centre of the enemy base, to steal some very important intel on various researches, and finally transport him back to a place where the intel can be mentally telepathied to Yuri full and completely clear with detailed explanations - maybe even for several minutes, in which the scientist must be protected (after it the scientist will be let alone to his strange feelings of being emptied).
But without combat Yuri-The_Rest, as you say. Maybe 2 or 3 Lieutenants, which must control the guards and kill dogs standing in the scientist's way, making as little fuss as possible not to alarm the base or the nation/faction leaders.
Great idea! though I'd like multiple scientists that have to be controlled. I think one in a minor allied base, waging war with a large soviet base, so that they'll be more focused on each other, then on your infiltration. First, you could infiltrate either the soviet or the allied base. When infiltrating the allied base, and moving the scientist to the center, it could install a device that'd let you control the entire base. the base command could be turned over to your side, and you could soften the soviets defenses by force. (Lets just pretend that the enemies don't notice the player house's color change) And allies will be set as you ally (an allied base without scientist will provide support) Otherwise, you could use spies to infiltrate the power and get your lieutenants in the giant soviet base, and out of the reach for the abundance of tesla coils at the border. then take over the scientists minds, and bring them to the center of the base, then get their knowledge. after that, you only need to take over the allied scientist's mind (without bringing him to the center of his base) to get the last required information). last option is more stealthy, the first option is more fo people that like to see things go boom :)
These are just some random thoughts, but if the controlled allied base would be too noticeable just tell me ;)
My YR still gives me this annoying error
***FATAL*** String manager could not be started.
so until I get a new hard drive, I can't try the campaign myself, to see if there are broken triggers or something. I'll need someone to check my maps if you want me to start before october (I think I'll have enough money for a TB hard disk by then). Using your units won't be a problem though, I can still install mods ^^.
Oh, and FinalAlert 2 YR DOES still work, so eventually I can make you some mod exclusive maps ;) I conside my works above average at least, need something to do and I can only improve eigh? ;)
That would be fantastic, 'cause it would make a campaign possible. :-)