AdventureThe cities are empty, mankind is missing. In the distant future where this mod is set every one left on the planet has given up their lives to virtual...
The cities are empty, mankind is missing. In the distant future where this mod is set every one left on the planet has given up their lives to virtual...
Currently inactive / Dormant. Developers of Aduna: Ceded.
Create your own rendition of a survivor or boss infected that fits into the Left 4 Dead universe. Win copies of L4D games and sweet swag for you and your...
Sorry to randomly pop in here, but any word on Sity ep 2? :)
Thanks for accepting my friend request!
You woulden"t happen to be alexcrafter from interlopers would you?
Yes I am.
Hey, I was wondering, do you have any planned release date of sity : chapter 2? I"m looking forward to it.
Not at the moment, I"m working towards the next release but I don"t have a planned date.