Bodies Stay Mod for Expanding Fronts
Star Wars Galactic Bodies Stay ModExpanding Fronts is the epic next community created expansion pack that adds seven brand new factions, new units new hero's and a ton of extra units so...
Terms presented here (SAGE 2D, SAGE 3D) are only terms, they do not denote any engines themselves, but serve as collective terms (and only here, not elsewhere):
SAGE 2D: old Westwood games' engine - Westwood 2D (plus Dune game series engines, even if they are less moddable)
But it's not only about engines. All games/mods using one of the universes can be discussed, e.g. Renegade X, Dune Wars (on Civ4 engine) too. :-)
Types of membership:
Every member can be either active or passive. Passive members don't need to be modders. :-) Active members should be modders, but any stuff related either to C&C, BFME or Dune, will be accepted (no modding experience required, but it's greatly appreciated anyway).
Best to post:
news/info on latest Dune/C&C/BFME events, etc.
tutorials (modding topics)
features, articles with own detailed ideas of mods or announcements of projects, for which you want to recruit some people
images, videos of related mods
custom tools for modding (as downloads)
Linking anything relevant to this group is greatly appreciated, too. (I.e. your news, downloads, articles and tutorials.)
If you are beta testing for a mod and its a closed beta, then it is not allowed to upload any releated art or any other media that isnt release to the public by the Dev team that is working on the mod.
Free Model Topic Links:
Sleipnir' Stuff
Full Game Download Links:
Tiberian Sun Firestorm - Tiberian Dawn GDI - Tiberian Dawn NOD - Red Alert Allies - Red Alert Soviet
Mod Tools Download Links:
Mod tools pack for Generals Zero & Hour:
ZH Modding Resources (Includes File Management, Cameo Mapping, Texture editors, Modelling and Mapping tools)
Mod tools for Red Alert 3:
RA3 MOD SDK - RA3 MOD SDK Worldbuilder - RA3 MOD SDK UI Source Pack - Dummy Art RA3 - RA3 SDK Extras - Civiallian Asset Compiler - Extracted Portraits and Icons From RA3/Uprising - Extracted MP Maps XML - UI Build Rows Upgrade - Soviet Art Pack - Allies Art Pack - EotRS Art Pack - Uprising Art Pack - Mammoth Art Pack
Mod tools for Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars:
CnC3 Tiberium Wars MOD SDK - UI & Shell Texture Pack - Ingame Textures - Clean Menu UI Source - Sample Art 1 - Sample Art 2 - SDK Required App Installer - Dummy Art -Source Code for Shaders of CnC - SDK Extras - Source Code for SDK Extra Tools
Aims of the group:
Oct 7, 2009, The first aim of the group: make conversions between different engines easier. If any of you know something about that (e.g. C&C3 -> RA3, BFME2 -> C&C3, etc.), a tutorial would be useful. :-)
Leaders of the group:
sgtmyers88 - SighNapse - taxikiller - Admiral-165 - open_sketchbook - feillyne
CnC Forums:
CnC Society - C&C Comunications Center - CnC Den - CnC Maps - CnC Source - CnC Community - PPMSite - RA Archive - XCC - Revora - Wagnerma - Sleipnir's Stuff
Group affiliates:
C&C Paradise - CNC4 - love it or hate it!! - C&C Society
Any offensive opinions about EA or its policy will be deleted. Any polite negative opinions, even contaning much criticism, will be left alone. ;-) Any content unrelated to C&C/BFME/Dune will be strictly moderated in sections, such as Images, Features, and Tutorials (but, for example, the main comments section won't be much moderated).
PS "SAGE" name was chosen, because it is most used.
Expanding Fronts is the epic next community created expansion pack that adds seven brand new factions, new units new hero's and a ton of extra units so...
ModDB is hosting their annual MOTY contest once again.
Celebrating Tiberian Sun 25th Anniversary with a dev stream. Join in and see what's in store for the next update.
Liberate your people, with the help of the new user-interface!
Detailing some exciting changes in DTA's next version - version 13, to be released next Friday!
Still a good engine
how can i download sage?
New SAGE Engine Modding discord server for C&C and LODR BFME games:
Everyone is welcome !
Hi guys !
What is the process to load Tiberium Essence mod on CNC 3 Worldbuilder ? i want to make map but its not possible... i tried that but it doesnt work at all
SAGE engine....Aggh!! The WORST game engine I have ever seen...FPS limited to 30,renderer problems and laggy...I play only Generals and I love it.Generals must re-release with Frosbite or better game engine...
tiberium wars?red alert 3? those are not laggy(mine are because i am combining mods)
... why did you comment this on here.
Because it is a COMMENT.I can write what I want and I can comment on everywhere.
The FPS can be changed in the GameData.ini file hence why people find it awesome. Easily moddable. But yes the engine is not perfect.