This first person shooter set in the Star Trek universe lets you take control of a member of the Starship Voyager crew as you combat the Borg and other enemies. The game utilizes the Quake 3 engine for incredible graphics as you travel through many familiar locations --Voyager, a Borg cube, a Klingon Bird of Prey, and more. The game also requires you to solve missions with the help of intelligent computer controlled teammates and allies.


1v1/FFA map by dONKEY: "dk_olt (One Last Time) is a map I never really intended to make. I thought I was done with the Q3 engine, but....I was wrong. The D3 tech looks so nice, and I liked DooM 3 and Quake 4, but the sad fact is nobody really plays them. I love QW:ET, but as of yet the tools are not released. So, being a die hard Q3 fan, I returned to what I know. I have tried to make a Q3 map that *could* be Q4. Most of the geometry was created externally in Blender 3D, and imported in sections into Radiant. I have worked hard to control vis whilst building most of the level out of models. Some areas of UVw mapping are a little warped, ad a few seams are obvious, but all in all, things have worked out pretty well."

Ripper's Play Ground (dk_olt)
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