Hello! I am uploading here a pack of models and skins, from the RTW modding community, for the RTW modding community. I am claiming no credit for these models and textures, they were made by very talented individuals and I wished to upload them here, so that they can escape oblivion.
In this pack, there are a lot of things included. I have them sorted by Era and Civilization, rather than by author. Where I could find a credits file, I left it in the folder, or included the name of the author. Generally, Ferres" models have the prefix ferres_, Milner"s models have the prefix Milner_ or Mil_, and KingLouisAssurbanibal"s have the prefix KLA_, wherever that was possible.
I am sorry I wasn"t more careful with archiving, but until recently, I had them stored in a system that was convenient to me, as they weren"t supposed for anyone else (and I can recognize the author by looking at the texture file, so I had no problem there). Selfish, I guess.
So, this pack includes, among other things:
- Pinarius" horses
- Lusted"s Late Roman army
- All of RTW 1 skins made by KLA (both of his hoplite packs, the medieval skins, the Egyptian skins and the European Wars mod resources, which were released as Open Source)
- A ton of packs made by the Holy Trinity of RTW skinners, Algaman, Milner and Ferres. These include but are not limited to: Two Dacian packs, Warriors of Ancient Italy, the Carthaginian packs, Hannibal"s army, Illyrian Warriors, Ligurian Warriors, the Massalia"s emporiae pack, the Hispania pack, the Numidia pack, various warriors and generals from North Africa and Arabia, the Judean warriors pack, Cilician pirates, the Armenian set (with extra skins for Pontus and Parthia varieties), the Scythian pack, the Sarmatian pack, Classical city hoplites, Ferres" Greek hoplites, the Hellenistic officers pack(s), the Macedonian army pack, the Seleucid and Ptolemaic packs, various late Greek hoplite"s made by Algaman and Milner, a set of Republic Legions, Ferre"s Modding the Legions (the full pack), Caesarian Romans, Tiberian Romans, Claudian Romans, an eastern 3rd century legion skin, Flavian"s Winter Roman pack, various Imperial Roman skins, various Republican Rome and its allies skins, and Republican Roman officer skins.
These are only some of what you"ll find in there.
- This is a resource aimed at modders. It"s not a full mod, it"s not a ready to install pack. It"s aimed at people who know what they are doing
- Once again, I claim no credit for the work featured in here. These were made by people very talented and invested in the game, not me. I am just an archivist.
- If you want to use any of the skins, please credit the original author(s). All the skins included were released as open source, and they should be safe to use, when modding the game. In case you are unsure of who the author may be, you can send me a message and we"ll find out.
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