Conquer, rule and manipulate the Roman Empire with the ultimate goal of being declared as the "Imperator" of Rome. Set in a time when the mighty Roman Empire emerged to conquer the known world against powerful enemies, when gladiators fought to a bloody death in the Coliseum; when Spartacus defied the might of the empire; when Hannibal led his invincible army and his war elephants across the Alps to strike fear into the very heart of Rome itself; and when Julius Caesar finally smashed the Barbarian Gauls. This was a time of brutal confrontation between civilisation and barbarism, and of civil war as the ancient world"s only superpower turned on itself.


Hello! I am uploading here a pack of models and skins, from the RTW modding community, for the RTW modding community. I am claiming no credit for these models and textures, they were made by very talented individuals and I wished to upload them here, so that they can escape oblivion.

RTW Skins
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