Conquer, rule and manipulate the Roman Empire with the ultimate goal of being declared as the "Imperator" of Rome. Set in a time when the mighty Roman Empire emerged to conquer the known world against powerful enemies, when gladiators fought to a bloody death in the Coliseum; when Spartacus defied the might of the empire; when Hannibal led his invincible army and his war elephants across the Alps to strike fear into the very heart of Rome itself; and when Julius Caesar finally smashed the Barbarian Gauls. This was a time of brutal confrontation between civilisation and barbarism, and of civil war as the ancient world's only superpower turned on itself.


[spoiler]A Mod project for Rome Total War II. Goals I want to reach is to balance out the Spartans and make them the best looking infantry of the whole game, like it's supposed to be. I like variations in faces, crests and maybe some tunic colours, but not as much for helmets and armours. So this Mod got not much variation between each Unit in one troop. Because I like the organised looking Spartan hoplites! Anbd my Spartan Units are realy beast! just check them out. So in the future maybe the Spartan Units stats will be edited too. But I need help on this, would be nice to make this a great project with as much people that like to help and got a little experience in editing stats or even add more Units to spartan roster! Help much apreciated. I will try to get better on changing colours and so on, all about the reskining, so I need Modders that can edit Unit Stats and add new Units! Just PM me and we will see further. Now enjoy Ancient Sparta Mod (Until now only Reskin Pack)[/spoiler]

Ancient Sparta Mod
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Hopit - - 288 comments

wrong game

Reply Good karma Bad karma 8 votes
VARIANVS - - 194 comments

Yeah true but somehow when searching for Rome 2 it doesnt finds it? Any suggestions?

Reply Good karma 2 votes
Hopit - - 288 comments

Don't upload it here

Reply Good karma Bad karma 6 votes
Tallestdavid - - 975 comments

works for my rome total war game

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
Guest - - 720,106 comments

how you do it work, pleas tell me, because that is for rome II

Reply Good karma Bad karma 2 votes
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