This patch essentially adds a more in-depth menu system for launching Quake in DOSBox. With this patch, you're able to launch a handful mods, play online with other DOSBox players via IPX emulation, and play offline multiplayer with bots.
What's New
7/15/2020 - v1.10
- Updated included DOSBox version to latest vanilla SVN build (has shader support and fixes Quake's speed issue)
- Now available as an installer for easy installation
1. This version is meant for the version of Quake released on Steam and most other releases for Windows and WILL NOT work properly with GOG's Quake: The Offering, I have a separate patch that you can find on my moddb page here:
2. You MUST have Mission Packs 1 and 2 installed in the directory if you want to launch them with this patch.
3. This WILL OVERWRITE any pre-existing autoexecs you have in any of your directories.
What's Included
An SVN build of DOSBox better suited for running DOS Quake with an updated .conf file to have it firing on all cylinders
Fixed music cue sheets for Quake and Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity
Autoexecs for each game that enable mouselook and disable autoaim
Impel Development Team's Abyss of Pandemonium v1.10 with CD music
ThreeWave Capture The Flag v4.0
CTFBOT for 3Wave CTF
FrikBot X
Team Fortress v2.8
1. Follow the steps in the installer and install it where and how you like.
2. Enjoy :)
Frikbot Setup
In order to spawn in frikbots for an offline multiplayer game, you will need to consult the bots.cfg in the frikbot folder and bind a key to each of the appropriate impulses.
CTFBot Setup
In the ctfbotp folder is an executable called "ctf_bot_coordinator.exe" click on it and configure it how you see fit.
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