Operating directly under the National Command Authority, a relatively unknown entity of handpicked warriors are called on when the mission must not fail. They are the Tier 1 Operators.

Over 2 million Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines wear the uniform. Of those, approximately 50 thousand fall under the direct control of the Special Operations Command. The Tier 1 Operator functions on a plane of existence above and beyond even the most highly trained Special Operations Forces. Their exact numbers, while classified, hover in the low hundreds. They are living, breathing, precision instruments of war. They are experts in the application of violence. The new Medal of Honor is inspired by and has been developed with Tier 1 Operators from this elite community. Players will step into the boots of these warriors and apply their unique skill sets to a new enemy in the most unforgiving and hostile battlefield conditions of present day Afghanistan.

There is a new enemy. There is a new war. There is a new warrior. He is Tier 1.

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Below are screenshots of improved textures on the first levels of the game. A short video will be published shortly, in which the work done will be visually shown.

On these screenshots, only the textures of the locations were replaced, soon screenshots will be published with a complete replacement of everything that is displayed on the screen.



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Fake trust Demo

Fake trust Demo

Singleplayer Map 6 comments

Three characters on an epic adventure. Join now on their missions and face difficulties

MOH 2010 realism mod 2020

MOH 2010 realism mod 2020

MOH 2010 realism mod Full Version 6 comments

The old mod remastered What the mod changes Weapons - Changes weapons to be more realistic (magsize, firerate, accuracy, damage) Improved the ai made...

MOH Fov Changer

MOH Fov Changer

Graphics Tool

Since the game has no built in fov slider, or a way to edit the fov in the ini files, heres a tool to set a higher fov. Run the too, set the fov, run...

Town Center

Town Center

Singleplayer Map

------------- Town Center-------------1.)This is a multiplayer map for Spearhead/Breakthroughwithout any mod. Take a look at the screenshots!--------------2...

VC Addon

VC Addon

Singleplayer Map

Alsace: Defeating Operation Nordwind campaign is constructed in two parts. Each part consists of 6 levels, for a total of 12 levels.Part I, Starts in...

Medal of Doom (Final)

Medal of Doom (Final)

Singleplayer Map 10 comments

I finally finished, this is perhaps the first of many (If you like it). Here are the first three levels of the PSone classic, Medal of Honor. there is...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 37)
FCH823 - - 13 comments

I see there are still people interested in modding this game but not sure you're aware that there are actually new modding tools for it, in active development:


There are a lot of things you can edit with it, including edit materials, extract/inject textures etc...
You can also edit almost all of the object properties.

Not sure what your current tools cover but hopefully that can be of help.

Reply Good karma Bad karma 1 vote
harv- - - 136 comments

I enjoyed the Single Player campaign, it wasn't great but it looked good and played quite well and it was on the UE3 engine.

Multiplayer was a mess, a bad copy-paste of Bad Company 2 and it didn't feel anything like the superior Single Player game. Multiplayer used the Frostbite 1.5 Engine.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter will be using the new Frostbite Engine and will most likely be another disaster.

Reply Good karma Bad karma 5 votes
Exavile - - 46 comments


Your name is another disaster.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
hunk22 - - 307 comments

sp=nice game.

mp=medal of camper.

Reply Good karma Bad karma 10 votes
ytres - - 1,800 comments

Terrible multiplayer. Disgraces the old MOHs. SP was ok, though.

Reply Good karma Bad karma 10 votes
Eagle_11 - - 431 comments

What i get to say about this game:
Campaign is didactically linear.Every campaign is linear yes,but this one is to such an extent that demands that you stay at an exact point so that the event will trigger and so you can process in the mission.If you stay 1 milim left or right or behind to that point event wont trigger!
Bots are -with one word- idiot.They do lunatic things like turning their back to you,crouching and then trying to fire from over their heads holding their weapon over their head backwards(looks funny,like some sort of ape)

Reply Good karma Bad karma 5 votes
Eagle_11 - - 431 comments

About realism:
I think we all have learned in the meanwhile(with Meanwhile i mean the time past since last MoH and this one,we have played lots of other games in that time havent we ?) that an helicopter is highly vulnerable and can explode with just one rocket.In this game
copters take rocket after rocket,just wont go down.And even after a Chinook gets finally down and turns into an burnt out wrack(when did it burn?) in an cutscene we learn that they have survived.
In one another mission you fall to the ground,bleeding and injured so badly that your teammate carries you,in this mission the door is locked,Taliban blows it with an RPG(its a ruined down hut with rusted door,kick it and it will fall down sure),then you pull your pistol automatically and fire to incoming enemies (wasnt i badly injured?why does my mate carry me if im able to fight then ?) and then your teammate pulls you through an small opening in the other wall.After that Taliban doesnt blow up the wall and gives up chase(theyve blown up the door with an RPG,blow the wall too,why do they give up ?)
What i wanted to say: That this game is full of logical failures.The best part is that the american general blows up T1 operators by accident (for i know if you willingly blow up top-elite of specops by "accident" no excuse will be accepted)so that his fresh noob rangers go and do the operation.

BTW: If you get stuck in the Airport mission where you have to target enemy vehicles with an laser for Hellfire and A-10 gattlings: Press-hold "E" (Lean-right) key then the weapon wont bug and youll be able to pass that mission.

Reply Good karma Bad karma 4 votes
Eagle_11 - - 431 comments

Summary: An game that couldve been considered great if we havent seen better examples.But time has past and FPS's evolved,to such an extent that this game can be considered antica.
In English: This game is bad.Even CoD4:MW1 that came out years earlier is moderner than MoH.

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yaik7a - - 544 comments

Why is there no mods?

Reply Good karma Bad karma 5 votes
SUPER_Tank - - 293 comments

Well, I think because of no editor... I hope EA will release an editor.

Reply Good karma Bad karma 7 votes
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