It"s the fighting game where you can"t fight! Wait what? Little Hellions is a four player competitive arena battler where players can"t attack. Instead, players “hex” one another to trade places at inconvenient moments. With enough spatial awareness and sharp timing, players can evade deadly traps while swapping opponents to their doom. The last one alive is the victor!

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Swap places at inconvenient moments and torment your friends for funsies in the four player fighting game where you can’t fight!

In the Underworld, we harness “torment energy” created from deadly pranks and mischief in order to light the perpetual dark. Join your impish underworlder pals as we paint the town red and smash our daily torment quotas. Employ buzz saws, crushing machines and other infernal devices of sadistic design as we romp around the gluttonous wonderland of sin and slapstick gags we call home!