Here are the Skeleton Human Female MAX source files to create individual models or mods. They are for the animations of the character models.
All characters and content in this file are copyright Digital Extremes. You have permission to use them for non-commercial use only. Do not remove this txt file from this zip if you plan on redistributing. Play nice and have fun with them.
James Edwards, Steve Jones, animator dudes @ DE
Name Comment
Weapon_Switch From idle or blended with run/jump, quick flick of the arm as weapon is changed, weapon changes in the first frame.
HitB Shot in the Front
HitF Shot in the Back
HitL Shot in the Left
HitR Shot in the right
Hit_Head Shot in front of the head
DeathB Death anim, from rear wep hit, carrying on from HitB, rest on floor
DeathF Death, from rear wep hit, carrying on from HitF, rest on floor
DeathL Death, from rear wep hit, carrying on from HitL, rest on floor
DeathR Death, from rear wep hit, carrying on from HitR, rest on floor
Crouch Crouch Idle, breathing, weapon held front and mid
Crouch_Aimed From crouch idle, one big shot with a lot of recoil
Crouch_Burst From crouch idle, shooting, weap pushs back, jumps about a bit
Crouch_TurnL Fron crouch idle Little foot shuffle, front foot first
Crouch_TurnR From crouch idle Little foot shuffle, back foot first
CrouchB Crouching back pedal long stride, left leg forward at start, body twisted like idle, weapon held mid
CrouchF Crouching walk fowards, long stride, left leg forward at start, body twisted like idle, weapon held mid
CrouchL Crouching crab left, long stride push off right leg first, body twisted like idle, weapon held mid
CrouchR Crouching crab right, long stride push off left leg first, body twisted like idle, weapon held mid
Rifle_Aimed From Idle_Rifle, weapon held at shoulder, one big shot with a lot of recoil
Rifle_Burst From Idle_Rifle, weapon held at shoulder, shooting, weapon pushs back, jumps about a bit
Biggun_Aimed From Idle_Biggun, big weapon held at hip pushed back, one big shot with a lot of recoil
Biggun_Burst From Idle_Biggun, big weapon held at hip shooting, weap pushs back, jumps about a bit
TurnL From stand idle, little foot shuffle, front foot first
TurnR From stand idle, little foot shuffle, back foot first
*SlideB Sliding back from stand idle
*SlideF Sliding Forward from stand idle
*SlideL Sliding Left from stand idle
*SlideR Sliding Right from stand idle
SwimB Very similar to tread water
SwimF Swimming with legs, body lent well forward
SwimL Very similar to tread water, lean left
SwimR Very similar to tread water , lean right
Swim_Tread Upper body/arms in idle, weapon mid, legs treading water
Jump_Takeoff From idle, launch body to apex of jump
Jump_Mid From apex of Takeoff, begin descent
Jump_Land Impact position at point of landing
JumpB_Takeoff From run back, launch body to apex of jump
JumpB_Mid From apex of Takeoff, begin descent
JumpB_Land Impact position at point of landing
JumpF_Takeoff From run forward, launch body to apex of jump
JumpF_Mid From apex of Takeoff, begin descent
JumpF_Land Impact position at point of landing
JumpL_Takeoff From side step left, launch body to apex of jump
JumpL_Mid From apex of Takeoff, begin descent
JumpL_Land Impact position at point of landing
JumpR_Takeoff From side step right, launch body to apex of jump
JumpR_Mid From apex of Takeoff, begin descent
JumpR_Land Impact position at point of landing
DoubleJumpB From JumpB_Takeoff or Dodge, dynamic backwards jump manoever into JumpB_Mid.
DoubleJumpF From JumpF_Takeoff or Dodge, dynamic forward jump manoever into JumpF_Mid.
DoubleJumpL From JumpL_Takeoff or Dodge, dynamic left jump manoever into JumpL_Mid.
DoubleJumpR From JumpR_Takeoff or Dodge, dynamic right jump manoever into JumpR_Mid.
DodgeB From running back position, shunt back, into JumpB_Mid
DodgeF From running forward position, shunt forwards, intoJumpF_Mid
DodgeL From running back position, shunt left, into JumpL_Mid
DodgeR From running back position, shunt right, into JumpR_Mid
WallDodgeB From JumpF or DoubleJumpF into wall, dynamic leap/flip backwards away from wall, into JumpB_Mid
WallDodgeF From JumpB or DoubleJumpB into wall, dynamic leap/flip forward away from wall, into JumpF_Mid
WallDodgeL From JumpR or DoubleJumpR into wall, dynamic leap/flip to left, away from wall, into JumpL_Mid
WallDodgeR From JumpL or DoubleJumpL into wall, dynamic leap/flip to right, away from wall, into JumpR_Mid
Idle_Biggun Idle for large weapons, weapon held at hip, very lttle movement
Idle_Character01 Character specific Idle sequences in UC, played intermittently from Idle_Rest
idle_chat Indicates player is typing a message. Headset/wrist communicator use in progress.
Idle_Rest From weapon_idles, played after a few seconds of no input from player, weapon low, breathing
Idle_Rifle Idle for holding rifles, weapon high, little movement
*idle_taunt01 Redundant... replaced with character specific Gesture_Taunts in UC
RunB Fast back pedal, long stride, body twisted like idle, weapon held mid
RunF Fast run foward, long stride, body twisted like idle, weapon held mid
RunL Big side step left, legs cross a bit, body twisted like idle, weapon held mid
RunR Big side step right, legs cross a bit, body twisted like idle, weapon held mid
gesture_beckon From stand idle, big left arm beckon, back to idle
gesture_cheer From stand idle, no movement on standard anim, think of something
gesture_halt From stand idle, left hand shows palm and pushs back, back to idle
gesture_point From stand idle, left hand does a point, back to idle
gesture_Taunt01 Character specific taunts used in UC.
WalkB Back pedal, long stride, body twisted like idle, push off right leg first, weapon held mid, small amount of body movement
WalkF Walk foward, long stride, body twisted like idle, push off left leg first, weapon held mid, small amount of body movement
WalkL Side step left, legs cross a bit, body twisted like idle, push off left leg first, weapon held mid
WalkR Side step right, legs cross a bit, body twisted like idle, ush off left leg right, weapon held mid
*RunF_cjs Like the normal run, but body more vertical, weapon held quite high - redundant?
*RunL_new Run left, body twisted to face forward (not a crab walk). lead on left leg, weapon held high - redundant?
*RunR_new Run right, body twisted to face forward (not a crab walk). lead on right leg, weapon held high - redundant?
*RunF_new Like the normal run, but body more vertical, weapon held like rifle - redundant?
AssSmack From idle rest, kiss hand and slap arse, return to rest idle
ThroatCut From idle with weapon mid, wave finger with arm held out then make throat cut and return to idle
Specific_1 From idle, wiggle arse then return to idle. This could be anything
PThrust Its the pelvic thrust that really dives then insane, from and return to idle
Further Notes:
Frame lengths and rates: These are all variable, and depend entirely on your own character needs for animation. There is no set limit, other than what looks good to you barring a few instances of timing, like firing a weapon, or changing it. Generally we followed a pretty similar frameset for all the characters with only minor variations in rates and framecounts. If you need reference just open up the ukx files in Ued. The animation properties tab gives the framerate for whatever sequence you select from the left hand list. Frame counts are listed beside each animation sequence. Have fun and go crazy with your own.
All of the skeletons use a limited, hard coded form of spine control that links the upper torso to the player's first person POV. This gives a better indication of where a player may be looking or aiming when viewed in game in third person. Affected animations include all crouches, runs, walks, weapon firing, turning, and weapon idles. It also enables limited blending of multiple animations such as running, while firing at the same time. In order to do this the root node or COM in Character Studio's Biped was not keyframed for these animations so that the code could blend more smoothly.
Death animations are basically never seen in game unless you turn karma physics off entirely.
Jump sequences are animated in a single scene file and broken down on export into Takeoff, Mid, and Land respectively. Dodges, Double Jumps and Walldodges all flow from and back into the Jumps. See sequence notes above.
Gesture_Taunts and Idle_Character are extra animations that were used in UC for specific in-character animations, ie. egyptians doing egyptian-like things and nightmares doing... freakier things. Feel free to use them in your own characters.
Slide poses are no longer used in the final game. They were a failed attempt at a blending solution between running animations. You don't need them in your custom character setups.
Some general Unreal Engine info for convenience...
*To convert unreal units to max units, multiply all unreal units by using the unreal conversion number. Unreal conversion number = 1 / player scale in unreal. Unreal scale is 0.4 of max scale. Thus multiple all following numbers by 2.5*
Unreal WOrld Origin = MAX + 90 degrees Z axis
Unreal Rotation:
360 degrees = 65536 = 2^16
90 degrees = 16384
jump 60 - height
double jump 130 - height
run 440 - 100% full speed
walk 176 - 40 % speed
crouch 110 - 25 % speed
dodge 650 - after dodge speed is 0 in 0 sec. player must accelerate again
- Dodge time = 1/2 sec
- 0.1 sec tween to dodge anim after dodge initiated
air times baby...
jump: 0.72 of a sec
dodge: 0.45
dub jump: 1.25
Weapon switch -0.6 sec 0.1 tween 0.5 sec anim time
From Jus10:
"tweening into a ready or idle pose is 0.25, tweenign into anything else is 0.1. simple. tweening always happens at the start of an animation."
Tween happens at beginning of animation
e.g. if dodge is 1/2 and being animated at 30 fps
dodge is called, tween to first frame in 0.1 sec, play dodge.
therefor, animated dodge time is actually only 0.4 seconds, or 12 frames