Asteroid Facility by bk2modder takes place somewhere deep in the Star Wars Galaxy in an unknown Asteroid Facility which is now being fought for control of. The map itself looks to use a couple Death Star assets and some space map assets along with a bunch of custom assets from other sources which were credited in the readme. This map does not feature brand new custom units but it does feature a new Hero/Villain unit on both the Clone Wars Era and the Galactic Civil War Era so be sure to try them out. This map was originally released on ModDB in 2023 by bk2modder. I am re-uploading and re-archiving this map in case bk2modder deletes all his files that he has on Star Wars Battlefront 2 or ModDB deletes inactive accounts and their file contents. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR MAKING THIS MAP. ALL CREDIT GOES TO BK2MODDER ALONG WITH ANYONE CREDITED IN THE README.
Asteroid Facility
Release: Release v1.1.0
MODES: Conquest
0. Make sure you have the 1.3 patch or Anakin"s Remaster already installed and are capable of running mods.
1. Place AST in addon folder
2. Start up the game and get to the battlefield!
Map originally built for 2022 May the 4th Map Making Contest under the "Back to Basics" theme. Only the world folder could be modified under the rules of the contest, meaning no scripting and no custom sides, heroes, or vehicles (conventionally).
It has since been updated with the following changes:
--Conventional Loading and Scripting
--New Camera Shots
--Loading Screens
--New CW Heroes: Cydon Prax and Commander Cody
--New GCW Heroes: Dengar and Dash Rendar
--Cutlass Fighters available in GCW Conquest
--GCW Sound Effects Fix
--Object Flicker reduced via Model Edit (thanks for the tool, Sleepkiller!)
--Upscaled Textures for PC release
--Optimized Memory Pools
This map is intended to be played with stock sides.
Heroes in the CW Era: Cydon Prax (CIS), Commander Cody (Republic)
Heroes in the GCW Era: Dengar (Empire), Dash Rendar (Alliance)
bk2modder - Mod Lead
Pandemic Studios, LucasArts - Original BF2 assets and mod tools
Sony Online Entertainment - SWG Assets
LucasArts, Warhammer81 - Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter rip
Free Radical - BF3 Assets
Teancum - Dash Rendar, Dengar, and Cydon Prax ports
Maveritchell - Space Service Truck asset
Unit33 - Imperial Legions skin assets
DarthZ_13 - Droid Dispenser Model
Conversion Pack Team - Clone Legions skin assets
GameToast - The wonderful community"s fantastic resources, assets, tutorials, and help!
psych0fred - Docs and Assets
BAD_AL - Memory Pool Documentation
Sleepkiller - Model Edit
Additional Photos of the Loading Screen, Map & Custom Unit: