I have set the following to my "LocalSettings.php"
$wgVisualEditorAvailableNamespaces = [ NS_MAIN => true, NS_USER => true, NS_EXTRA => true ];
What I expected was that VisualEditor is only available for the namespaces MAIN, USER and EXTRA. What is happening is that also the namespaces CATEGORY and FILE are available for editing with VisualEditor.
Changing the setting to the following does not change the set of available namespaces:
$wgVisualEditorAvailableNamespaces = [ NS_MAIN => true, NS_USER => true, NS_EXTRA => true, '_merge_strategy' => 'array_plus' ];
So my question is: Which values are available to "_merge_strategy"? or What do I have to add to get VisualEditor only for the namespaces MAIN, USER and EXTRA?
Thanks for some insights.