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Topic on Talk:Content translation

Captaincama (talkcontribs)


I made a wrong move with the backspace key and lost my work. Is there a way to recover it as it was regularly backed up or is it lost for good ? And is there a way to see the result of the work before publishing ?

J'ai fait un faux mouvement avec la touche de retour arrière et j'ai perdu mon travail. Y-a-t'il un moyen de récupérer un des enregistrements faits précédemment ou bien est-ce définitivement perdu ? Et existe-t'il une possibilité de visualiser la page avant publication ?

Thanks, Merci.

Captaincama (talkcontribs)

And an option for cancelling the last operation would be very much apreciated... If there is one, I didn't find it.

Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Auto-save is intended to work transparently and reliably. I created a ticket to investigate the cause of these issues and fix them.

Regarding the cancelling option, can you provide more details on what you were doing or trying to undo? During regular editing the browser undo is expected to work and for most of the actions options to revert them are also available.

Thanks for your feedback!

Captaincama (talkcontribs)

If by "the browser undo" you mean the backspace key, yes, it's what I used because I had accidentally erased a link. Rewriting a segment with a link is not easy, if I select the whole group and write, it mostly erases the link and I don't see how to insert a new one. The link suggestion on the right works only if there is already a link in the selected part.

I'm working on this article : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halton_(barony) and I erased the french links to "William the Conqueror" and "Wales" doing as I said above.

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