Social tools/Echo
Social tools |
about |
compatibility |
Social tools extensions have been progressing to eventually support Echo notifications for different events. Currently, only SocialProfile supports these so far.
[edit]SocialProfile's initial echo support was originally added by Ikasty on a fork, which can be seen at It was partially rewritten, expanded on and cleaned up by Jack Phoenix, and merged by Lewis Cawte. (Gerrit change 278868, Gerrit change 325141)
- SystemGifts
i18n message | Event | Header message | Body message | Primary link | Secondary link |
SystemGifts | |||||
You have received a new award: $1
None | |||
You have received {{PLURAL:$1|one new award|$1 new awards}} .
None | |||
UserBoard | |||||
$1 just left a message for you. $2
None | |||
{{PLURAL:$1|One person|$1 people|100=99 people}} left messages for you.
None | |||
UserGifts | |||||
notification-social-gift-send-no-message | $1 just sent a gift to you: $2
notification-social-gift-send-with-message | $1 just sent a gift to you: $2 . $3
notification-social-gift-send-bundle | {{PLURAL:$1|One person|$1 people}} sent you gifts.
UserRelationship | |||||
notification-social-rel-add-friend-message | $1 wants to be your friend.$2
notification-social-rel-add-foe-message | $1 wants to be your foe.$2
notification-social-rel-add-friend-no-message | $1 wants to be your friend.
notification-social-rel-add-foe-no-message | $1 wants to be your foe.
notification-social-rel-accept-friend | You became friends with $1 .
notification-social-rel-accept-foe | You became foes with $1 .
notification-social-rel-accept-email-subject | $1 has accepted your relationship request!
notification-social-rel-accept-email-batch-body | $1 has accepted your relationship request.
UserStats | |||||
notification-social-level-up | You have leveled up to \"$1 \"!
notification-social-level-up-bundle | You have leveled up {{PLURAL:$1|one level|$1 levels}} to $2 !
[edit]WikiForum doesn't have notifications, but it was worked on by UltrasonicNXT in commit Gerrit change 215107 a few months after ticket #355 at brickimedia/brickimedia on GitHub was created. It has since then been abandoned.