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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Skin:Chameleon and the translation is 24% complete.

The Professional Wiki team maintains this skin professionally.
Professional Wiki provides official support for MediaWiki LTS releases only. It may work with other MediaWiki releases.
MediaWikin ulkoasujen ohje - luokka
Julkaisustatus: vakaa
Kuvaus Provides a flexible responsive skin using Bootstrap 4
Tekijä(t) Stephan Gambke
Ylläpitäjä(t) Professional Wiki
Viimeisin versio 4.4.2 (2024-10-09)
Yhteensopivuuskäytäntö Follows the MediaWiki version lifecycle. Master is not backwards compatible.
MediaWiki 1.35
Composer mediawiki/chameleon-skin
Lisenssi GNU General Public License 3.0 tai myöhempi
README on GitHub
Changelog on GitHub
Esimerkki Bootstrap for MediaWiki
Public wikis using 243 (Ranked 28th)
Public wikis using as default skin 195
Voit kääntää Chameleon-ulkoasun, mikäli se on saatavilla translatewiki.netissä

Chameleon is a highly customizable responsive MediaWiki skin that uses Bootstrap 4.

Chameleon logo

It currently provides five different layouts to choose from. Each layout is defined in an XML file and as such easily adaptable to your needs.


Dokumentaatio on saatavilla GitHubissa:

  1. Installation, Update, De-Installation
  2. Customization
  3. Release Notes
  4. Testing
  5. How to contribute
  6. Credits
  7. Contact

Commercial support is available via Professional Wiki, the maintainer of Chameleon.



Examples of Chameleon 4 or later
Examples of Chameleon 3
Examples of Chameleon 1 or 2

For many more examples see Chameleon's page on WikiApiary

Katso myös

Other skins and extensions related to the Bootstrap framework:
