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Markup spec/BNF/Magic links

From mediawiki.org

Magic links are words that may appear within <wiki-text> that are automatically converted to external links without any special markup being required by the person writing the page.

<magic-link>	::= <isbn> | <rfc-number> | <pmid-number>

Note that all character-literals on this page are case sensitive (i.e. upper-case characters in the definitions on this page MUST be written in upper case in the markup).

ISBN numbers


See Manual:ISBN

<isbn>		::= "ISBN" (" " ) <isbn-number> ?(non-word-character /\b/)
<isbn-number>	::= ("97" ("8" | "9") (" " | "-")?) (DIGIT (" " | "-")?) {9} (DIGIT | "X" | "x")



  • ISBN 12345678901 (not followed by non-word character)
  • ISBN 123456789 (too short)
  • ISBN 97-81234567890 (dashes not allowed in prefix)
  • ISBN1234567890 (no spaces)



See Manual:RFC

<rfc-number>	::= "RFC" <spaces> <digits>


PubMed IDs

<pmid-number>	::= "PMID" <spaces> <digits>