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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page How to contribute and the translation is 44% complete.

The content of all Wikimedia projects is released under free licenses. Write code to access, remix and grow this immense pool of free knowledge. Follow the tutorial to get started with the API, available on all MediaWiki wikis, and other APIs for content and Wikidata. Other open data sources, including XML and SQL dumps, are also available.
Our code is all free and open source. Choose a project, provide a patch, and fix a task!

Wikimedia projects use a variety of languages such as PHP and JavaScript in MediaWiki and its extensions, Lua (in Templates), CSS/LESS (in skins etc.), Objective-C, Swing and Java (in Mobile Apps and Kiwix), Python (in Pywikibot), C (in Huggle), or C# (in AWB). Create bots to process content and host your tools on Toolforge. Hack on mobile apps or on desktop applications. Or help Site Reliability Engineering maintain the server configuration.

Learn more at New Developers/Introduction to the Wikimedia Technical Ecosystem .
Help improve the quality of our projects through PHPUnit testing, automated browser testing via Selenium, and Continuous Integration. Report your first bug or help with existing bug reports.
Ako technický ambasador pomáhajte ostatným wikimediánom s technickými problémami, šírte technické novinky, aby ste ostatných informovali o všetkom, čo sa ich bude môcť týkat, a pripojte sa k skupine veľvyslancov a k zoznamu adries, aby fungovali ako most medzi vývojármi a vašou miestnou wiki.
English writers can improve the MediaWiki documentation, other essential support pages and, in fact, any page of this website.
If you are fluent in a language other than English you can join the effort by translating this website and the MediaWiki software.
Help users and developers looking for answers at the support desk or the MediaWiki communication and social media channels.
Help apply the Wikimedia design principles in projects looking for UX feedback.
Meet other community members online or in person.
How-to guides and walkthroughs for MediaWiki and Wikimedia technologies

Viac užitočných informacií


Editace a diskuse v MediaWiki

Ak ste ešte nepoužívali MediaWiki:

Poznámka: Niektoré stránky wiki v slovenskom jazyku sú umiestnené v mennom priestore "Redaktor" (slovenská Wikipédia), a niektoré v "Užívateľ" (napr. Wikislovník). Ak nie ste si istý, použite "User".

  • You can discuss the content of each page in its related Discussion page. You can communicate with users by adding a public message in their discussion pages. Learn more at Diskusné stránky .