
Manning privacy policy

This statement concerns our policy regarding the personal information that we may gather from visitors to our Web sites, including the domains and subdomains of,,,,,,,,, and, or from customers who buy directly from us. It lets you know why we collect information and the things that you can do to control it.

Why we collect personal information

Manning collects personal information for several purposes.

  • To conduct business and deliver products and services.
  • To protect our business and your account from fraud and other illegal activities.
  • To understand our customers and provide them with the highest levels of service, and the best possible user experience.
  • To analyze, develop, test and improve site performance, systems, services and products we provide to you.
  • With your express or implied consent, to keep you informed about relevant products and services.

When we collect personal information

There are a variety of instances in which we may collect personal information from our users. For example:

  • When you visit and interact with our website.
  • When you make a purchase or redeem coupons or tokens from us.
  • When you create an account with us.
  • When you engage with us on social media.
  • When you contact us by any means with queries, support requests, complaints etc.
  • When you enter prize draws or contests.
  • When you choose to complete any surveys we send you.
  • When you comment on or review our products and services.
  • When you participate in a Manning hosted or sponsored event.
  • When you've given a third party permission to share with us the information they hold about you.

What information Manning collects

Manning collects two types of information: (1) data that is submitted voluntarily by visitors wishing to receive news or product information, to provide us with feedback, to participate in events, surveys contest, or the like, or to purchase products directly from us; and (2) tracking data that we and our service providers gather while users are interacting with our Web sites.

Voluntary submissions

Voluntarily submitted information may include such things as name, company/institution, email, billing address, shipping address, shipping options, location, interests, preferences, support requests and similar user profile data. We collect payment information but do not store it on Manning systems. We use secure payment service providers to handle payments.

Tracking, web analytics and cookies

Manning tracks user information such as such as IP addresses, browser types, referral sources, pageviews, time spent on a particular page or site, clickstreams, downloads, registrations, conversions, search terms and more in order to analyze website usage and metrics, to identify potential improvements to the site, and to provide support.

Manning may use third party analytical services, including Google Analytics, to collect visitor information. While these analytical services collect and report information on an anonymous basis, they may use cookies to gather web trend information. The information gathered may enable Manning to link information with application and system log data, in order to support and deliver this site and its services.

Manning uses small data files called cookies to help us tailor our websites to individual users. Cookies are transferred to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser, which enables our systems to recognize our user’s computers and to enhance and customize the user experience. While most web browsers allow users to partially or completely block the use of cookies or javascript in their local settings, disabling these features will diminish the usability of our site.

Application and system logs

Manning collects log data to help ensure the performance and security of our sites. Log data may include technical information about how a user or visitor connected to this site. We use this information for support purposes and to administer our systems.

How the information Manning collects may be used

Manning never sells or rents email addresses or other personally identifiable information that visitors provide. There are, however, scenarios in which we will share information with partners and service providers as part of legitimate business operations.

Business operations

Manning sends system messages to carry out business functions such as user account activation, password resets, and order confirmations. Generally, users may not opt-out of these communications, though they can deactivate their account. We also send non-promotional emails containing updates regarding products our customers own. Users can adjust their messaging preferences in their User Account details.


Manning may send or direct marketing communications to users, provided that:

  • Such marketing is consistent with applicable law and Manning's legal obligations.
  • Manning does not knowingly direct or send marketing communications to an individual who has expressed a preference not to receive marketing.
  • Where required by applicable law, express or implied consent to marketing exists and has not been withdrawn.
  • Manning does not knowingly send or direct marketing communications to children.

Manning may provide personal information to a third party service provider on a restricted basis to provide marketing solely on behalf of Manning and affiliated Manning companies. Marketing preferences may be changed at any time.

We want to bring you offers and promotions that are most relevant to your interests at particular times. To help us form a better understanding of you as a customer, we may combine your personal data gathered in the various ways described above.

Sharing with trusted third parties

We sometimes share your personal data with trusted third parties. For example, order fulfillment partners, email distributors, payment providers, print on demand partners, for fraud management, for contracted site services such as testing or analysis, to help us personalize our offers to you and so on. We may also, with your consent, share information with sponsors so they can contact you about things that may interest you.

Examples of the kind of third parties we work with are:

  • IT companies who support our website and other business systems.
  • Operational companies such as print on demand partners and delivery couriers.
  • Email marketing companies who help us manage our electronic communications with you.
  • Search Engines/Social Media Platforms to promote our brand and products that might interest you, and to communicate with interested individuals. This is based on either your marketing consent or your acceptance of cookies on our websites.
  • Marketing research and user testing to assess the levels of satisfaction of existing and proposed products and services.

Manning will release information in order to comply with the law, or when it is appropriate to protect the rights, property or safety of Manning, our users, or others. In very specific circumstances, we may share your data with third parties for their own purposes. For example, for fraud management, we may share information about fraudulent or potentially fraudulent activity in our systems.

Transfer of your data to a country outside the United States

By using our services or providing your personal data to us, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data by us or on our behalf. Sometimes we'll need to transfer your personal data to a country outside of the United States to enable us to supply the goods or services you've requested. By dealing with us, you are giving your consent to this overseas use, transfer and disclosure of your personal data for our ordinary business purposes.

How you can manage your personal data

While certain data processing is necessary to carry out Manning's ordinary business functions, there are actions you can take to manage your personal data.

You may request the correction of your personal data when incorrect, out of date or incomplete. To amend your information, please update your User Account online, or contact [email protected].

You have the right to stop the use of your personal data for direct marketing activity through all channels, or selected channels. There are several ways you can stop direct marketing communications from us:

  • Click the 'unsubscribe' link in any email communication that we send you. We will then stop any further emails from that particular division.
  • If you have a User Account, log in into your account, visit the 'My Account' area and change your preferences.
  • Send an email to [email protected] to request assistance from our support team.

Please note that you may continue to receive communications for a short period after changing your preferences while our systems are fully updated.

Whenever you have given us your consent to use your personal data, you have the right to change your mind and withdraw that consent, and to request that we stop any further consent-based processing of your personal data.

Manning takes your privacy seriously and we will do our best to address any concerns. In the event that we must decline to act on a request you make due to an overriding legitimate business interest, we will explain why.

You may request a copy of any information about you that we hold at any time. To ask for your information, please contact [email protected].

To protect the confidentiality of your information, we may ask you to verify your identity, or any third party you have authorized to act on your behalf, before proceeding with any request you make under this Privacy Notice.

How to update or correct your information

All promotional mail from Manning includes an unsubscribe link. Users can also manage their list preferences, including opting out, at Users may enable or disable product update messaging and manage other user profile information in their user account settings at Users may write to [email protected] with any questions or requests.

Notification of changes

If we revise our Privacy Policy, we will post any changes on

This policy was put in effect on September 21, 2005.

Last updated: October 2020
